I started the week awfully proud of myself because I felt "caught up" on the blog. And I even had a post planned from all of our weekend activities last week. But then Monday happened. And Tuesday after that. And now it's Thursday and I somehow still feel OK about this because it isn't the weekend yet so I'm not completely untimely.
In my defense, this week has been a little wild with Lauren's dance "camp" each evening this week. It has been better than Bible School because there are only about 12 kids in the classes, so I haven't been close to a nervous breakdown...yet. Saving that all up for VBS week. (I know you're all looking forward to that.)
Last weekend was a good one...well, sort of. We were finally out of our beach funk, where you have to get readjusted to wearing clothes other than shorts and flip flops, and where it is no longer acceptable for a meal to be a sandwich and some fruit and cookies. It was a rough go of it there for a while, but I think we made it back into the land of the living.
I had thought and thought for the past month or so about what to get Jason for Father's Day. He's nearly impossible to buy things for because a. his wants are not generally the small little things that you can pick up at the store while you're running errands (he gets all of that little stuff for himself, generally a week or so before any major event for which a gift would be customary). Thinking of getting him some new ties for work...don't worry, he'll get them himself. Penn State t-shirts, not to worry...he'll get them on a quick trip to Dick's on the way home from work one day. I adore him, but gift buying can be tricky. While we were away at the beach, we had been talking about groups we would like to see in concert. And the Zac Brown Band was high on the list for both of us. So I got searching. As it turned out, they were coming to Hershey for a show on 9/5 and tickets went on sale last Thursday. I checked the PSU schedule...away that day. Score. So I booked the tickets. And I was thrilled. Even checked with my Mom, who was graciously willing to spend the night with the kids so that we could even stay overnight if we wished. Booked a hotel room just so we had one.
And then...on Friday morning I got to thinking. Labor Day IS, in fact, the the week before that, right? RIIIIIGHT? No. It isn't. It's the weekend of 9/5. And ordinarily that wouldn't be an issue, except for the fact that we had booked a camping trip for that same weekend in New York. So, as of Friday morning, I had two tickets for the concert that we couldn't use, as well as no Father's Day gift for my husband. I had fallen fast and hard from a super awesome wife, to a big fat failure with no gift for her husband.
We did our very best to make Father's Day special for Daddy anyway, but I still know he was disappointed. We said we would try to make it to another show the next time they come around.
As for the rest of the weekend...
Look how Toby is growing! Lauren was initially pretty much terrified of him (which cracks me up because WHO could possibly be scared of a golden retriever puppy, of all things), but she has been working hard. She still doesn't prefer when he is running full speed or playing like a crazy pup, but the two of them are working on their relationship. Or should I say, Lauren is. Toby loves everyone and never knew there was a problem.
On Saturday afternoon, all five of us packed up and headed to the movies to see Inside Out. It's like a whole new world has opened up to us now that Mara can be trusted to behave like a semi-reasonable child at the movie theater. They were a little silly on the way, though. As evidenced by the above.
We really liked the movie. I will say I was a bit surprised how deep it was for being a kids' movie. I think the kids were totally entertained by the characters, but I definitely left there feeling introspective. I can honestly say that this was the first animated kids' movie that has made me cry in a very long time. And I was glad that I was wearing 3D glasses so that no one else saw it. But my guess is that psychology classes are going to be studying that movie for a long time to come. It was definitely worth our time to go and see it.
I was thrilled to have gotten a few of the last couple quarts of strawberries from our favorite Amish stand in McEwensville on Friday evening. And I am ever so grateful for Pinterest and this recipe that I found for strawberry pie. I am telling you--- it tasted so much like my Gram's that I would have sworn that she made it herself. The kids each ate two pieces on Saturday night after supper. And then two more each on Sunday. And I probably had at least two before the weekend was over. Or three. But just look at that pie!! It was so yummy!
Since we had blown Daddy's gift, we had to work hard to make sure Daddy had a good Father's Day. We made him breakfast in bed, and then were thrilled to have him join us for church. In the afternoon, he did some yard work, but then we all played outside together too. We made steaks for supper, and then he played games with the big kids while I cleaned up. Mara was busy with Play-Doh because Battleship was a little out of her league.
All in all, it was a fantastic weekend with lots of family time together. Always my favorite kinds!