Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I just wanted to share a quick sneak peek into what is turning into a favorite before bed tradition at our house.  I typcially get the very illustrious title of "tub giver".  Many times, Jason helps to get Joshua dressed while I wrestle with Lauren to get her into her pajamas and ready for bed.  Since Joshua and Daddy are far quicker than the girls, they usually head downstairs to start getting things ready for Joshua's favorite snack--- a chocolate milkshake!  As soon as Lauren hears the blender, she gets excited and starts saying "milkshake! milkshake!"

It doesn't take too long until we hear the slurping of their straws at the bottom of empty cups!  Happy kids indeed!

Monday, June 27, 2011

When Nana's away... & a day at Poe Valley!

Over Father's Day weekend, my mom had been on a special trip to visit family in Texas, but Dad decided not to go along with her.  So, the kids and I decided we should go to Lewistown to check on Pap and see how he was making out without Nana around.  Despite the fact that we bring chaos and destruction along with us, I think he was happy to see us.

Pap cooked supper for us on the grill and then we headed outside for some playing before it was time for tubs and bed.

 Lauren's first tractor ride with Pap
 Look who is driving!

 This shirt (and the spunky look on her face) pretty much sums up Lauren!

On Saturday morning, the kids and I got up bright and early (Joshua was awake at 5:45 announcing that he was ready to go) and got on the road to Poe Valley.  Aunt Libby and Uncle Zig (and Stacie and Anna) were camping in the park for the weekend and had invited us to come and have some fun with them.  I have seriously had this date circled on my calendar for months and couldn't wait to breathe the Poe Valley air again.  It was bittersweet, as I haven't been back to Poe Valley since Pap sold his camp there that essentially sums up my summer childhood memories, at least all of the important ones.  So many summer weeks/weekends were spent there and I treasure those memories so much.  So, I got a little sad driving past F. Duck and seeing other people there enjoying it.  I must say that it was easier to let myself believe that it was still sitting there on the hill waiting for the whole Richard gang to call a homemade ice cream & humper fire night.

So it had been at least 7 years since I had been there, possibly more, but it was all just as I remembered it.  Libby and Zig had an awesome set up with the motorhome and a very homey campsite.  The kids immediately got to work digging in the dirt and rearranging all of the stones in the campsite.  Pretty soon we all packed up the wagon and took the troops to the playground for a little fun before lunch.  They loved it!

After that, we came back and ate some hot dogs, pasta salad, brownies and watermelon for lunch.  We needed our strength for the afternoon!

The kids absolutely loved the beach.  They had a blast playing in the sand, splashing in the ice cold water and chasing each other around in circles.  We headed back to the campsite late in the afternoon and I started packing up my crew for the ride back to Pap's house.  We couldn't leave before Joshua got his s'more, so we made some of those while we finished packing up for the ride back.

I hadn't even made it back to the dirt road (2.6 miles from the park) before both kiddos were zonked in the backseat.  I guess the fresh mountain air served double purpose---- bringing back floods of memories for me and playing the two sweetest little ones in my life right out!  Thanks Libby, Zig, Brooke, Stacie and Anna for letting us crash your party.  And when are we doing it again?

Lewisburg Fourth of July & Happy Birthday Cooper!

I'm not going to start into excuses about why it's been so long since I've blogged.  I probably don't have any good ones.  I will say, though, that when I got out the camera this morning to find a few pictures from our weekend festivities to share here, I was embarrassed by how far back into our social calendar I had to go to get caught up.  So there is likely to be a flurry of blog posting coming up today or in recent days, so don't miss the ones below. 

This weekend has quickly become one of my favorites each year.  Lewisburg celebrates the Fourth of July in grand style, albeit a week BEFORE the actual holiday, but as I've now lived in this area for a good number of years (8 1/2, shockingly) I've come to appreciate the tradition.  Friday night is the big fireworks display (which we have yet to witness due to small children and earlier than 10 pm bedtimes, but one of these years we are going to get crazy and stay up for them....but I knew this year wasn't the one).  We were so lucky that Emily and Earl were able to put a chair out for me with a blanket for the kids the night before so we had a place to sit.  The parade kicked off at 10 and we enjoyed every minute of the nearly 2 hours of patriotic music, horses, Abraham Lincoln (Joshua was in his glory!), fire trucks, candy, candy, candy and time with special friends.

 Here was our crew all spread out and waiting for the parade to start.  I couldn't believe the contrast to our very first shared parade experience with the Mowry's 3 years ago.  How did these kids get so big so quickly??  And to think next year we'll have two more to add to the mix!  Check out the picture below for a peek at parade day 2008...

After the parade was over, we headed back home, jammed some lunch into our bellies and rushed to take advantage of the ever-fleeting window of time that is Lauren's nap time.  She still desperately needs the nap, but I would argue that I need it more and this weekend was certainly no time for missing it.  While she slept, I got some chores done and did a little playing with Joshua.  Before long, it was time to pack up our crew again and head back to the Mowry's for Cooper's 4th birthday party.  I can't tell you how excited Joshua was because this was a superhero party, and really there is nothing more exciting than that to a 4 year old superhero enthusiast.  Joshua donned his very favorite Spider Man t-shirt just for the occasion.

There was a whole bunch of jumping in the bounce house, some very super fantastic superhero cupcakes made safe for Joshua by me bringing the cupcakes and super sweet Nicole being vigilant about ingredients in her icing and decorating materials to be able to make Joshua's look just like the other kids'.  It might sound so silly, but I was elated watching him eat a cupcake that looked identical to everyone else's and knowing that he was so happy to be able to be involved.

The kids did some gator riding, four-wheeling, swingset playing, more bouncing, running, chasing, etc. until all were sweaty, tired and ready to call it a night. 

(I'm super disappointed.  This was my best picture of the day and blogger doesn't seem to want you to see it right side up.  So lay down on your left side to look at this one to really get the idea.)

Emily and I had to laugh because we were dressed identically for the day's festivities- right down to the color of nail polish on our toes.  Pretty funny.  So we decided to capture the moment.

(Again, this one belongs in the parade set, but do you think I can get it there?  Blogger, is this my punishment for being absent?)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What's in the camera this morning?

I'm trying to keep up with blogging these days.  But when weekends like this one happen, I sometimes have to go back and look through the camera to figure out what we did.  I found lots and lots of smiling faces-- hope you'll enjoy them.

This little spunky monkey continues to amaze me.  Her language is taking off at the speed of light- putting together 3 and 4 word sentences and repeating literally everything she hears.  She can count to ten (although she skips 6 every single time, don't know why) and knows just about all of her colors.  I wish I could claim credit for this, but I believe it should either go to Joshua or Elmo.  And since I'm sharing what I am proud of about Lauren, it is only fair to also share that her two other favorite words are "NO!" and "MINE!" (please note the emphasis, and realize that it's only half as much as she really puts into it).  This is a girl who doesn't take crap from anyone- especially not her brother.  So the spats are high energy at our house.  But for all the spunk and all the personality, there is a whole lot of sweetness to balance it out. 

Pictures of Joshua are hard to come by these days.  He has been enjoying his summer vacation a whole lot.  He says he likes it because he gets to "sleep in".  I put that in quotation marks because he hasn't slept past 7:00 yet, but I do have to say that I'm enjoying not having to rush him around in the morning and shove breakfast into him to have him out the door at 7:40.  That will all come rushing back to us far too soon.
I love this picture of Lauren.  Like every other 19 month old I've ever met, she is fascinated with bubbles.  I believe it is safe to say she has eaten at least one bottle of bubbles so far this spring and has spilled the equivalent of at least 4 more, but she persists at practicing. 
Lauren spent a large chunk of Saturday afternoon playing with Joshua's grill set that he found while we were rummaging in the basement looking for some small size pajamas to share with a church friend.  Our strategy of keeping some toys hidden in the basement when we moved works really well except for when we allow Joshua into the basement, at which point his eyes widen like he has just seen Heaven.  He suddenly remembers all of the toys that he forgot about and insists that we bring some upstairs.  I can only say that I hope we can find somewhere else for him to be when the day comes that I yard sale the majority of said toys.  But Lauren got great enjoyment out of this and cooked up a storm for me.  Her favorite thing to make was "coffee" in the cups.  Guess she knows her Mama likes her coffee (although not right now!).
After getting ready for church on Sunday morning, Lauren came downstairs and declared to Josh, "Wook Josh!  I pretty!"  And pretty she was in her little Osh Kosh jumper and pink monogrammed bow.  (Thanks Libby for sharing this little outfit gem from Brooke's stash!)  She was hugging her beloved Monkey who had just come from two tumbles in the washer after she threw him in the toilet on Saturday night.  Joshua obliged his baby sister pretty well, told her how pretty she looked and then let her cuddle on the big chair with him while I got the last few things around for church.  I love the relationship that is developing between them.  In the moments that it is sweet, it is super sweet.  And we cherish them when they happen.

Much more to share, but I'll stop here because my Monday post has taken me until Wednesday to actually publish.  I have more pictures in the camera from our already full week of summer fun.  More exciting information after tomorrow, I hope.