Monday, May 14, 2012


For anyone who has known me longer than five minutes, it's painfully clear that I am a planner.  My most treasured possession is my planner book, without which I don't know what is going at the office, when Show and Tell is at preschool, or what to make for dinner.  I've always been this way, carrying a "to do" list as early as middle school as I recall.  But I wouldn't be shocked to learn that I had one in my Trapper Keeper in elementary school days either.  I just can't remember.  The addition of each child into our family, however, has taken this planning thing to a whole new level.  As there are more balls to keep juggled in the air, it takes more thought and organization.  At least for me.

So, on our calendar for this weekend were a whole lot of special things.  We started planning Cousins Day about six months ago, getting the date on everyone's calendars so that all of us would be there.  This once a year day to spend with my cousins is such a joy to me, especially now that there are so many cousins of the next generation that we love so much.  I had a list of things I was baking to take along with us (see.....a list!) and the kids and I were beyond excited for Saturday to get here.

Well, strep throat was NOT in my planner.  And we didn't appreciate its imposition.

Joshua started on Wednesday afternoon with what I thought was a stomach bug.  I'm no doctor, but the number of times he threw up in the 24 hrs from Weds afternoon until Thursday at supper time seemed a good clue.  But after running into one of his classmates on her way into the pediatrician on Thursday as I was coming OUT with Mara after her 4 month checkup, I learned that Sophia had strep throat.  Sophia and Josh are friends who seem to get the same bug around the same time, so I decided to take him in for a look on Friday morning.  And sure enough.....strep throat.

By the time we got Joshua back from the doctor, Lauren was on the downhill slide.  And this picture went from bad to ugly in a hurry.  Here were our sleeping arrangments on Friday night.

Just for fun, on Saturday morning I woke up feeling like one of those circus acts who swallow swords.  It's no wonder given that a sick kid was breathing, crying, puking or snotting on me for the duration of the past 48 hours.

And there ended any glimmer of hope that we could still make it to Cousins Day.  Or to be able to spend Mother's Day with Nana.  Or my sister.  There went all of our plans.  I wanted to cry.

So Saturday, we nursed everyone back to health the best we could.  We sat around in our pajamas, took a lot of Tylenol, and did a whole lot of cuddling.  And praying that the baby wouldn't pick up the same thing.  Mara was the bright spot in the day for all of us.  While the big kids were whiny and miserable, she was smiling and happy, only wanting to play and snuggle and eat just like always.  She even did her first stable Bumbo sitting while I worked in the kitchen a little while on Saturday afternoon and seemed to appreciate being a part of the action.

I feel a bit like God has been working on me with this planning thing.  I read a devotional each morning called "Jesus Calling" and I love it!  But lately there have been a whole lot of references to the fact that a need for control is a sin- a complete disregard for the fact that God has our lives ordered and controlled in His hands.  When we try to handle things here in our own control, we're saying to Him that we don't trust His plans and think ours are better.  So through all of this, I was feeling a bit convicted and tried mightily to see that we must have been supposed to be home this weekend, feeling icky and miserable.  And there must be good reason, despite the fact that I couldn't really understand why.

When the sun rose on Sunday, Mother's Day, the big kids were feeling a whole lot better.  Antibiotics are amazing.  At 8:30, Lauren asked to play in the sandbox outside.  I was just thrilled that she was up off the chair and no longer fevered, so out we went.  Joshua slept in, but when he woke up, he joined us on the deck and requested his breakfast out there.  And we didn't go in all day long.  It was a wonderful day.  I desperately missed church, but was able to tune in to my Aunt Carol and Uncle Jerry's church service in Southlake, TX via an iphone app while on our deck nursing Mara.  I was so grateful for the chance to do that.

The rest of the day was great-- lots of sunshine, lots of playtime for the kids, windows open at the house to air out any remaining germs, laundry caught up and a dinner I didn't have to cook.  Perfection.

And finally, here is the Mother's Day photo, 2012 edition.  (Don't you love Joshua's lack of interest in this photo?)  I guess one out of three isn't bad for looking at the camera.  Strep throat or not, ruined weekend plans or not, 3 nights of sleeping with sick kids at my side or not...there is nowhere I'd rather be than with Jason and these three beautiful blessings.  I must be the luckiest Mama in the world.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Recovery Day

Jason and I had a chance to celebrate Christmas in May this year.  As a gift for Christmas, when I was so expectant with Mara, he gave me tickets to see Lady Antebellum in concert.  We had looked forward to it since then, and Sunday was the night.  Grandma stayed with the kids while we headed for Hershey to watch the show.  We had a great time!  The show was great- Thompson Square, Darius Rucker and Lady A...and none of the three disappointed.  It was a super late night, though, and since I am famous for being fast asleep on the couch at 9 pm, we weren't sure how long we would last.  But the concert was so good that we stayed the whole time.  We returned home a little after 1.  Mara must have sensed our presence, because she was awake and waiting to eat when we got in the door.  I fed her and finally gother settled around 2.  And then, before I knew it, the alarm was ringing to get ready so that I could get Joshua ready for school.  Despite the short night, having a kid-free night out was so worth it.

So, needless to say, Grandma needed Monday to recuperate.  So I stayed home with my three favorite munchkins.  My tail was dragging, but we survived the day...perhaps with a little more tv watching and a little less playtime with Mommy...but you do what you must to get through.

But there were a few things that made me happy.

First of all, I was mixing up a snack mix for Joshua's celebration of reaching 100 in their counting in school.  Everyone needed 100 small snack items so that they could make a snack mix to share.  So I counted out his 100 Runts, and then made a mix of safe things for him.  Lauren spotted the Swedish Fish that I was putting in and proceeded all day to try to sneak them out of his backpack.  The part I loved was that she calls them "gooey fish". And I will give her points for persistence. 

Secondly, Lauren, our family's Energizer Bunny who doesn't ever need a nap, crashed on the couch mid afternoon.  I actually struggled to wake her up for supper.  That nap improved her mood greatly.  If only she'd do it daily.
Precious smiles from Mara make my day.  And this picture is definitely up there with my favorites.  This smile is what we get most of the day...such a happy girl.  I swear I fall in love a little deeper every single day..
And one more for good measure.

Joshua has been such a sweet boy lately too.  I was just happy that  he allowed me to take his picture.  I know the blog has been lacking in photos of him, but he's evasive when  he doesn't approve of his picture being taken and I lack the energy to chase him.  His happy news of the day was that since Daddy wasn't going to be home for supper, he chose grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner and promptly gobbled it all up.

Monday was a good day.  Always a blessing to be home with the kids.  Even when I was tired!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Four whole months!

It has been four whole months since our surprise delivery on January 5th.  (Well, a few extra days past four months, but let's not get too hung up on the details.)

Four months of being really, super, amazingly happy with the "cherry on top" to our little family.

Four whole months of cute pink clothes, diaper changes and lots and lots of feedings.

We've had four months of falling in love again, working on our partnership skills, and trying to figure out how to throw one more ball in the air in the Dugan family juggling act.  We're not always graceful, but so far, we've managed.  In fact, most days we do more than just manage.  We even seem to be having some fun.

It's been four months of sleepless nights, although not as bad as I recall from the first and second editions.  The worst might still be coming on that front, I've learned from past experience.  But for now, I am almost cherishing those late night snuggles as I know these will be my last ones.  So I try to focus on that instead of grumbling about the night shift.  She's totally worth it.  Totally.

I will have a better idea on official 4 month stats when we go to Mara's appointment on Thursday afternoon.  She is weighing somewhere right around 10 lb right now.  We have moved into 3 month clothes and for the most part, she can keep the pants up.  That's an improvement.  She is still wearing a size 1 diaper with lots of room to grow.  I am saying prayers that her weight gain is at least acceptable when we go to her checkup.  Although we are still supplementing with formula as directed she is taking less and less.  I can sometimes get an ounce into her after she nurses at bedtime, but  only because she is sleepy.  Any extra prayers would be appreciated.  I don't mind at all that she's small, I just pray that she's healthy.

In terms of milestones, Mara has found her voice in the past week.  She likes to talk almost all of the time.  Our Sundays in church with a peacefully sleeping baby are quickly coming to a close, only to be replaced with time in the nursery.  Yesterday she was giving the ceiling fans and the people in the row behind us the what for-- during the sermon.  We had to make a quick exit, after which she didn't make another peep until we got home. Of course.  Aside from her sweet little voice, she is also busy all of the time chewing on her fists- sometimes one, but usually two at a time.  She has a love affair going with Sophie the Giraffe and her taggies blanket, and her big sister.  She continues to love her play mat, standing on Mommy's legs and pulling hair.  And that smile still lights up a room.  We are getting lots of giggles these days, especially at peek-a-boo and "Where's Mommy?"

Four months of loving this sweet, precious baby.  How lucky are we?

I will leave you with a little game.  Here are the rules. You cannot notice the mess of our living room or the blanket that Watson loves, but insists on  knocking onto the floor so that we have to pick it up seventeen times a day.  But can you find Lauren in the following picture?  I was working in the kitchen while Mara napped yesterday and found her there.  What a kid.

Tomorrow I'll post about the way that Jason and I celebrated Christmas in May this year.  It was awesome!

Happy Monday, all!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Observations from a K4 Field Trip

Today, I had the opportunity to accompany a fine group of four and five year olds on their spring field trip. We were told that the kids were going to be scientists at the Bucknell Greenhouse today, and that they could even use magnifying glasses to get a good look at any of the plants there.  Let's just say, Mrs. Deitrick had Joshua at "scientists" on this one.  He spent the better part of ten minutes this morning looking for a miniature magnifying glass that he got in a Happy Meal or something (to give you an idea of the high value piece we were searching for).  He was upset when he couldn't locate it.  (This may or may not have been one of the hundred or so pieces of junk that I put into the trash a few weeks ago.  But I surely wasn't going to fess up to that.)

Observation #1:  Mrs. Deitrick is a smart teacher who has dealt with preschoolers long enough to know that you don't bring up something like a magnifying glass to the  kids without a solid knowledge that you are going to provide one for them on the off chance that one of their mothers might have tossed theirs in a fit of "I-can't-take-another-minute-of-looking-at-all-of-this-random-junk".  Joshua greatly enjoyed using his new red junky magnifying glass to study the plants.

Observation #2:  It always rains for Joshua's field trips.  Why is this?

Observation #3:  To the kids (and maybe to me too) all of the plants look alike.  After we had seen 30 varieties of cactus (cacti? cactuses?  Mom, help me out here.) in the 97 humid degrees, we'd all had just about enough.  Sadly, that was the first 10 minutes of our hour tour.  They did, however, enjoy the venus fly traps.  This group of heads was the entire class watching while it closed up on the tour guide.

Observation #4:  Anything that involves playing in water will appeal to the kids.  In fact, the wetter they can get, the happier they will be.  This was some kind of water fern.  The mud puddles outside were just as popular.

Observation #5:  We all planted our own jade tree to bring home.  After last year's pumpkin experience, I was just pleased that it wasn't a pumpkin.  I learned that I am to water this little pot only once per month at the most and that in about 20 years, it will still be growing.  Yeah right.

Observation #6:  The students on Bucknell's campus dress up to go to class.  Like we're talking short skirts and ties.  Why would they do this?  While I don't feel like it has been that long since I was in college (ahem....twelve years isn't that long is it?) I saw a great disparity between the life of college students about to enter finals week and my life as a mini-van driving Mom with three car seats in the back.  Interestingly enough, I was totally OK with my life. But those girls were in dresses and skirts, and I was rocking my jeans.

Observation #7:  Just for fun, here is the happy baby I came home to.  And Lauren's curly head came running as soon as we walked in the door, proclaiming how she missed me so much.  That was awesome.