Monday, May 7, 2012

Four whole months!

It has been four whole months since our surprise delivery on January 5th.  (Well, a few extra days past four months, but let's not get too hung up on the details.)

Four months of being really, super, amazingly happy with the "cherry on top" to our little family.

Four whole months of cute pink clothes, diaper changes and lots and lots of feedings.

We've had four months of falling in love again, working on our partnership skills, and trying to figure out how to throw one more ball in the air in the Dugan family juggling act.  We're not always graceful, but so far, we've managed.  In fact, most days we do more than just manage.  We even seem to be having some fun.

It's been four months of sleepless nights, although not as bad as I recall from the first and second editions.  The worst might still be coming on that front, I've learned from past experience.  But for now, I am almost cherishing those late night snuggles as I know these will be my last ones.  So I try to focus on that instead of grumbling about the night shift.  She's totally worth it.  Totally.

I will have a better idea on official 4 month stats when we go to Mara's appointment on Thursday afternoon.  She is weighing somewhere right around 10 lb right now.  We have moved into 3 month clothes and for the most part, she can keep the pants up.  That's an improvement.  She is still wearing a size 1 diaper with lots of room to grow.  I am saying prayers that her weight gain is at least acceptable when we go to her checkup.  Although we are still supplementing with formula as directed she is taking less and less.  I can sometimes get an ounce into her after she nurses at bedtime, but  only because she is sleepy.  Any extra prayers would be appreciated.  I don't mind at all that she's small, I just pray that she's healthy.

In terms of milestones, Mara has found her voice in the past week.  She likes to talk almost all of the time.  Our Sundays in church with a peacefully sleeping baby are quickly coming to a close, only to be replaced with time in the nursery.  Yesterday she was giving the ceiling fans and the people in the row behind us the what for-- during the sermon.  We had to make a quick exit, after which she didn't make another peep until we got home. Of course.  Aside from her sweet little voice, she is also busy all of the time chewing on her fists- sometimes one, but usually two at a time.  She has a love affair going with Sophie the Giraffe and her taggies blanket, and her big sister.  She continues to love her play mat, standing on Mommy's legs and pulling hair.  And that smile still lights up a room.  We are getting lots of giggles these days, especially at peek-a-boo and "Where's Mommy?"

Four months of loving this sweet, precious baby.  How lucky are we?

I will leave you with a little game.  Here are the rules. You cannot notice the mess of our living room or the blanket that Watson loves, but insists on  knocking onto the floor so that we have to pick it up seventeen times a day.  But can you find Lauren in the following picture?  I was working in the kitchen while Mara napped yesterday and found her there.  What a kid.

Tomorrow I'll post about the way that Jason and I celebrated Christmas in May this year.  It was awesome!

Happy Monday, all!

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