Good morning all! I find myself with a few quiet moments after a successful "get up, get showered, get coffee, get breakfast" campaign before Joshua awoke. I'm still not done with the coffee yet, but all of the important stuff is done so that I'm ready when he wakes up. Gone are the days of leisurely wake ups and laying around in pajamas all day Saturday. I won't linger on that thought because I do, in fact, miss those days sometimes. There's this window of opportunity with Joshua (and it's been this way since the first day we brought him home from the hospital)--- you either get up and showered BEFORE he wakes (sometimes 5 am, sometimes 7 am) or else you have to wait until his first morning nap which might not be until 10:00 or later. And then you run the risk of the shower waking him and making that nap quite short (translate that into a cranky boy). It's a juggling act, but we're getting better at it. Almost a year later.
So, I have a few earth shattering new skills to report. (It's OK if you sense the sarcasm.)
Yesterday Joshua and I were able to rub noses on cue for the first time. Judy says he's been doing this for some time, but I've never seen it until yesterday. It was precious- he was so proud of himself. And then he tried to bite me, which he thought was far more funny than rubbing noses. OK, this wasn't too impressive, but I don't want to hold back on you so I'll share it all.
Apparently the word "love" translates to "cuddle" for Joshua (see Linds, it's like "pants" translates to "trousers" in the UK!). Jason will say, "Love Daddy" and he'll come over and basically bury his head into his chest for his way of loving. He's doing that much more regularly now which is pretty neat.
I'm not sure where this came from, but dancing is a new favorite activity. All you have to do is ask him to dance, and he bounces up and down on his little legs (still while holding on to something) with a big smile. I have a stupid dancing song that I made up that he apparently knows is the cue to put on his show, so he goes to town as long as I'm singing. It's hysterical.
Plans for the day include an all important trip to Walmart to buy new cookie sheets since I have a fear that MICE might have touched ours beneath our stove. We caught mouse #4 and ended his life on Thursday night (heard the trap snap when we laid down in bed). So hopefully that was the only one who had set up camp in our kitchen. Yuck! Then we're going to do some cleaning and finish that up, laundry for the small person (which interestingly enough I don't mind doing nearly as much as I mind ours...how much sense does that make?) and then the big PSU/Michigan game is on at 3. Let me say that if we don't win this game, I'll be going into hiding for a few weeks.
So, we'll see what other interesting happenings the weekend will hold with the baby. I'll post again as soon as I can.
Fight on State!
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