I'm learning more and more that in mommy land it pays to slow down enough to really enjoy the magical precious moments that we're given with our kids. It hit me hard last night as Joshua and I went through our normal bedtime routine and I thought it worthwhile to post. Maybe it hit me hard last night because Joshua tested every last ounce of patience I had yesterday. He was mischevous and difficult...and I thought about selling him to the circus. There are days like that (and I'd NEVER really sell him to the circus), but I'm glad for the way the night ended.
Now, this night time routine has been going on so long that it's literally clockwork, and both he and I know exactly what's coming next and how long it's going to take. I'm a definite creature of habit, and perhaps I'm creating another one by this ritualistic way of getting ready to settle down for the evening. We go upstairs while singing my own rendition of the "Tubby Time" song that he always smiles at. We get his little duck tub ready to go and get the water warm enough, then watch as it fills up. Then he drops his washcloth into the water and looks amazed as though he can't believe it got wet...just like it did last night. He always looks up at me as though he's pleased with himself that he was able to accomplish this AGAIN. Then we get him undressed, including a few zerberts on the belly and the very important under-the-arm tickle. That's when I get to hear his little boy belly laugh that I just can't get enough of. I do that as long as he'll keep laughing. Then he gets his bath and plays (or rather chews on) his little ducky toy that matches his tub. He babbles to me about whatever the gibberish means to him, but he always looks up at me with great conviction after he's managed to put a string of mabagadabaya together. Someday I'm hoping for a translator. Then I wrap him up like a baby burrito and give him a chance to check out his handsome appearance in the mirror. He always smiles at that too, and he should because he's really cute wrapped up so that his arms and legs can't go anywhere. Honestly, it's the only time of the day that I have the upper hand.
So then the dressing starts (and at this point, the wiggling as well). We sing songs, play with Rex the dinosaur and get all ready for bed time with jammies. I could just soak up the smell of him once he's clean with his hair brushed and teeth brushed. And for about 5 seconds, he's free of drool on his onesie.
Then we read books. There are a few that we couldn't live without. Every night since our bathtime ritual started, we've read The Teeny Tiny Baby. I have it memorized, but I'm already starting to get a little nostalgic when we read it because our teeny tiny boy isn't so tiny anymore. But he loves it. Josh's job is to turn pages, and he's getting to know just when to do it. If I'm reading too slow, he'll start to turn sooner and that's my cue to stick a nickel in it. We've recently found a new book called But Not the Hippopotamus that cracks us both up. It's a rhyming story that he really gets a kick out of. If you have little ones or think you might someday, you have to get this book. There's a whole series by Sandra Boynton that I'll have to get. We always end with Goodnight Moon which I can remember reading before bedtime when I was little.
Now here's my favorite part. Before we head downstairs for a bottle and snuggling, we play a little game in his room. Joshua's comprehension skills are amazing me. Having never done this parenting thing before I have no idea if this is normal or behind schedule or what, but I'm impressed. He literally knows where everything is in his room. So we go around and I ask him where Elmo is...he looks right at it and smiles (sometimes waves if he's feeling friendly). Then we ask about his donkey growth chart that is on the wall. At the word "donkey" he turns to look at it- that always gets a wave. We move around the room and point out everything- Rex, books, crib, light, trucks, Uncle Ziggy (a little fireman guy on his firetruck). And the best part is when I ask him "Where's Mommy?" He looks at me, smiles and then puts his little arms around my neck and lays his head on my shoulder for a hug. My heart just melts.
And that is the moment that makes all the stress and worry and work and sleep deprivation vanish. All that matters are those blue eyes and those little arms around my neck. And I'm in love all over again. To be blessed with this child is more than anything I could have ever imagined. I have no idea what Jason and I have ever done to deserve it, but we don't ask questions.
I'm already looking forward to tonight's bedtime...
1 comment:
Wow Meg -- had I not read this at work I think I would have completely teared up with JOY for you and Jason!
Thank you for this glimpse into Mommy-dom. Though were not certain of this yet, I'm hoping to get a personnal glimpse of this someday in the distant future!
Luv YA!!
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