Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend Review

What a wonderful weekend it was. It's never bad when it's a three day weekend! (The guilt of not being in the office was gone by around noon.) There's a bit of crispness in the air that signals the arrival of fall. And if there was fall addicts anonymous, I might be a likely President of the group. There's just something about mums and pumpkins and the autumn leaves that makes my heart smile. Ask Jason about our trip to Massachusetts a few years ago when I oohed and aahed all the way there about the leaves.

The start of fall also makes me a little reminiscent of this time last year when I was "largely" pregnant and ready to meet our little man. (I don't think that "Mean Megan" had made her appearance yet at this point last year, but she was hiding out ready to bite anyone's head off during weeks 38-40!) There's just something about this time of year- everything seems to be on the horizon with the upcoming holiday seasons, and we have so much to look forward to this year as we really get to enjoy the fall/winter holidays with Joshua.

The big city of Milton, PA celebrates the beginning of fall with Harvest Festival. This was my first time ever truly experiencing this event, but I have to say that people get a little crazy about this. In their defense, there's really nothing else in Milton worth getting too worked up about. There's yard sale day in May, and Harvest Fest in September, so I guess a little wild and crazy behavior is warranted since it's only twice a year. Darla and Jeremy were kind enough to invite us over to watch the parade on Saturday from their yard, and I was thrilled to be able to go and take Joshua. We dressed him up in his little man attire- little Levis jeans, an adorable little Osh Kosh shirt courtesy of Aunt Libby, his little Robeez shoes and his jean jacket. And we had a ball watching the parade. He especially loved the bands and the fire trucks, although the first band woke him out of a dead sleep and he looked extremely confused.

Baby Sydney slept through the entire thing--- but she was decked out too and looked adorable during her nap. I have some pictures that are on our camera, so I'll post them soon. Finish the day with some yummy soup that Darla and Jeremy made, a big PSU victory and play time at home with daddy in the evening. It doesn't get much better than that.

Even with all of the handwashing and disinfecting I'd been doing, on Sunday Joshua started showing signs of picking up my cold...bummer. He's sniffly and snotty today again, and woke up with a pretty nasty fever last night, so hopefully it'll run its course quickly and without trips to the doctors. Poor little guy. He and I slept in the spare room last night because he just needed more mommy cuddles since he didn't feel good. I just didn't have the heart to fight with him to stay in his crib when he was feeling so crummy. Jason will probably be next to pick up the bug. See what I started?

I'll work on getting those Harvest Fest pictures up really soon.


Lindsay, Ian and Lila said...

I just love catching up on Joshua's latest adventures. The pictures are great- and boy is he cute:) Finding your nose and picking up his toys are big steps. And by the way- you gave birth to him so you are allowed to brag as much as you want!!

The Bingamans said...

I was so excited to see someone posted for you megan, I had to post a comment too! YAY the blogging is a sucess. Even though I'm usually up to date, I've been checking this every chance I get. Just in case there's something we missed when we talked last, like the "where's mommy's nose!" How exciting! HI Linsday and Libby!! Hope all is well!!

Sue said...

lol - Ok, wait... Mean Megan equals:

Unassuming small-talk maker: "Oh my, are you STILL pregnant?"

Mean Megan: "Nope. Just fat."

lol -- That still cracks me up...