Aunt Libby---- recognize that outfit? The adorable Levi's sweatshirt was headed to the Biz bucket after the majority of Joshua's yogurt from supper ended up on it. This learning how to self-feed business sure does create a lot of laundry!
I have a few cute updates for you about the weekend.
- Joshua officially slept through his first opportunity at an Easter egg hunt. Number one rule of mommyhood has been not to wake a sleeping child. So when he was still snoring away when the hunt kicked off in our development this weekend, we didn't do a thing. My bet is that he would have just stood there and watched in total confusion as the other children made a bee line for the eggs.
- Saturday afternoon (post-nap) we made a quick run to the mall. We ended up stopping at Toys R Us to see Aunt Sheri. This was the first time that Joshua has been into the toy store since he was able to get around on his own two feet. Well- he was like a tornado. He had to TOUCH everything. He had to pull things off the shelf to see them closer. He was just so excited. He saw a lawn mower that he had to have, so it's now in our living room. It'll be much better when he can use it outside with daddy. We also discovered a love affair with blocks, which has been a lot of fun. We're building more towers now than you can imagine. He's doing really well with them, though, and seems to be having fun.
- We got to take our maiden voyage for the spring in Joshua's wagon on Saturday before lunch. We went all over the development. Joshua had his monkey and his sippy cup with him for the ride. He looked like he was in his glory as he waved to everyone we saw. I always love spring in our development. Suddenly everyone comes out of hibernation and you remember that you do, in fact, have neighbors. I can't wait until our nightly walk rituals can start up again.
- Joshua's newest favorite passtime is watching a video on our computer of my dad and my Uncle Butch being silly one night that we were home for a visit. My dad's singing a song with the guitar and Butch is singing "backup". All of the girls (Lib, Steph, Stacie and I) are giggling away in the background. Well, Joshua thinks this is wonderful. He's woken up the past two days asking for "Pap...Butch...Pap...Butch". I've learned to keep the video up all day on the computer so Grandma can find it if the mood strikes him.
- And finally- this morning Joshua learned a great trick. He's never really said his name at all, although heaven knows he's heard us say it (sometimes loudly) in his short lifetime. This morning he seemed like he was trying to repeat it when I said his name, so I asked him what his name was. He started pointing to his chest over and over again and said "Josh". Sometimes he said "Gosh"...but mostly he got it right. Then he'd point to me and say "Mom Mom" so I know he got it. It was so cute.
That's about all I have for today. I have a few passages from a funny book to post for you. I've started reading up on toddlers (I know...classic first time mom here...I'm not afraid to admit it and take the appropriate abuse) and I swear this one author is writing about Joshua!
Talk to you all soon!
1 comment:
What a STUD in his Levi's outfit!
This little man has to be the smartest child in the world! I'm convinced! He is picking things up so fast and really growing into a 'big' little boy!
Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!
Aunt Libby loves her man!!
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