The pictures above are from Friday morning with Joshua's very snazzy Penn State outfit. It makes me anxious for football season to see him suited up like that! When we'd ask him what was on his shirt he'd smile and say "Penn...Tate". Very cute. I can't wait to stock up his PSU wardrobe on our next trip to Happy Valley.
Saturday my parents came for a quick visit and a quick hot dog on the grill for lunch. Joshua got to show Nana and Pap his tractor, but I quickly rushed him back inside before we had a sunburn to deal with. While Joshua napped in the afternoon, I finally tackled the flower planting on our patio, our front porch and at the office. Better late than never I suppose.
Sunday morning Joshua and I went to church. We made it half way through church before Joshua felt the need to announce to everyone that he had pooped. After three or four repeats of it, I decided I better take him into the nursery to take care of business. And he played there nicely with another little girl. He wouldn't let me leave, but at least we got a little socialization and half of a church service under our belts. The pictures below are of Joshua all dressed up for church. What a preppy little man he was!
Let's hope for a cool streak soon...and God bless my pregnant sister and friends who are dealing with this.

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