"eight sides."
I had to seriously think about this yesterday morning when Joshua said it. And he was, in fact, correct. Don't ask me where he got it, but that's what he said. Jason and I joke all the time that it gets pretty scary when your kids are smarter than you are, and we're evidently getting closer than I'd like.
I really intended to grab a few new pictures of Josh this morning to share. But it didn't work out that way. Starting the laundry and fighting with him to eat his oatmeal took priority. I bribed him into eating his breakfast by looking at a catalog that had come to the house with Halloween stuff in it. He took great pleasure in pointing out every candle, which he calls "birthday candles" and every pumpkin. I also taught him how to say "Frankenstein", which I was quite proud of.
I hope I didn't sound overconfident in my post yesterday about our complete night of sleep (with the aid of a little Tylenol). Last night, my little night owl cried for me at 2:30 and was impossible to get back in bed. 6 different times I tried to put him back into his crib after he was snoring again, and 6 times he woke back up. He ended up in the spare bed and and slept fine as long as I was with him. This is bordering on ridiculous. I just wish I could figure out what's causing him to wake up and not be able to go back to sleep like he has been doing for the past six months. Grrr. He was still sound asleep when I woke up at 6:00 and needed to get ready for the day. So, I piled every pillow I could find around the sides of the bed, gated the top of the steps, and hoped like heck that he didn't roll out and break a bone. Jason was keeping an ear open, but isn't feeling well and needed some sleep too. Luckily it all worked out just fine, but if I told you I wasn't nervous, I'd be lying.
Oh the joys of toddlers....
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