Fun with stickers!
As the weekend is winding down, I thought I'd post quickly about the events of the weekend. I thought I would accomplish this BEFORE Joshua awoke from his afternoon nap, but I got a little caught up staring at the new pictures of Brooke on Libby's blog. Please please please go and check them out. I'm telling you--- that precious baby girl gets more adorable every single minute. I'm missing her like crazy. So, while I was admiring Brooke, I heard Joshua upstairs in his room. I heard the thump of him getting out of bed (not very graceful...he gets that honestly) and then I heard the reading start. He read the whole way through "How Lucky You Are" and I didn't have the heart to interrupt. When I just went upstairs and asked him what he was doing he said, "I'm just reading books, Mommy."
It's been a fantastic weekend. The weather is almost too good to be true, but we've been soaking it up just the same. Friday was a relatively quiet night. We finished some chores and played at home. Saturday was a whirlwind. We visited Daddy at the Woolly Worm Festival and Joshua seemed to enjoy that. He especially liked the ducks in the park and continually pulled one of us over to the creek to look at them. After the festival, we did a little shopping and ate some lunch and then headed off to a party for a new State Farm baby who has been born in the past few weeks. It was great to get a chance to visit with State Farm friends, see all the kids and how fast they're growing and spend some time together in a non-meeting setting. Karen's baby Delaney is growing so fast I can hardly believe it....and goodness is she ever cute! Joshua had just met most of the people there for the first time, but amazingly went around the room and gave each one a hug before we left to come home. Last night we enjoyed PSU giving Wisconsin a good, old fashioned whooping...although I have to admit that I was checking the insides of my eyelids for rust after halftime. I hope that doesn't lose me points on the biggest PSU fan of the century contest. And if it does, oh well.
This morning Joshua was a bit of a nightmare...into everything, yelling, whining, etc. and I wasn't feeling good about my chances of keeping him in church. Since he won't go to the nursery and stay there without me, Jason decided to stay home with him while I went to church. I felt guilty about not taking Joshua along, but enjoyed that time immensely. We've been searching for the right church for Joshua...ours is SO lacking in the children's department. And by that, I mean that there are no children. The closest one to Joshua's age is 3 years older than he is. And there aren't any coming along behind him either. So I walked to the church right outside of our development this morning and was unbelievably impressed. I was moved and I was challenged, and I think it may be the right place for us. I've been there twice before, but with Joshua...which ended with me being confined to the nursery. We'll need to work on that.
In other news, I attempted my very first batch of apple dumplings this afternoon and man, does our house ever smell good. They definitely smell better than they look (since everything broke apart in the dish), but my thought is that with a little ice cream on top, you'll never know. I'll let you know how they turned out. If they taste HALF as good as they smell, I'm going to be a happy camper tonight!

1 comment:
In case anyone is wondering....the apple dumplings were AMAZING! I'll work on making them prettier next time. And there will DEFINITELY be a next time.
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