Joshua and Pap getting ready for the Polar Express!
This was the scene during the movie. Complete and total amazement...
Tuesday was another relatively low-key day at home. We didn't have major party plans, so we spent the day together running a few errands and hanging out at the house. The highlight was definitely watching the Polar Express on Pap and Nana's new TV.
I don't know whether I've posted about Joshua's obsession with this movie, but it had gotten a little out of hand in the week leading up to Christmas. He woke up asking to watch it, and continued to ask through the day (and I mean the WHOLE day). We could usually hold him off until evening, and he would spend his last hour and a half leading up to tub and bed time watching the movie. Anyone who knows Joshua or who has ever spent more than 3 seconds in his company knows that he doesn't ever sit still. In fact, he doesn't ever stop moving. Ever. But when the Polar Express is on, he's completely, totally still. He's amazed...and it's so cool to watch.
I know TV and movies aren't great for kids...and honestly, he doesn't watch that much otherwise. But this is really something. I think he's really forming his opinions and expectations about Christmas through this movie, and I suppose it could be a far worse depiction. What's crazy to us is that he totally GETS the plot. He knows why the little boy is sad at the end after losing the bell Santa gave him. He knows that Billy is sad and the other kids help him to be happy for Christmas. He knows about the elves and Santa and all of the preparations involved in getting ready to leave the North Pole on Christmas Eve. It's amazing.
So we settled in together as a family to watch the movie and had a great time. Joshua sat with Pap almost all of the movie, which I think Dad enjoyed. I'm sure he went to bed dreaming of choo-choo trains...
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