I think Libby and I have been looking forward to our day together yesterday for an awfully long time. For all of the time that she's been off enjoying Brooke, we haven't been able to coordinate our calendars until yesterday. So Brooke and Libby made their maiden voyage to our house for a special day together. To say Joshua was excited was quite an understatement.
The kids are so funny together. The best way to describe it is that neither one of them seems overly interested in the other. Joshua is mostly concerned about being with Aunt Libby. Seeing as how she's his favorite person on the planet, that makes sense. I saw one moment of jealousy yesterday when he didn't think it was appropriate for Libby to be spending time with Brooke instead of him. Oh boy, does he have a reality check coming in a few months! Brooke seems very intrigued with Joshua. If you ask my opinion, I think it's because he's loud and he moves very quickly. She just kind of stares at him with her very serious look as if to say, "Seriously boy, what's the matter with you?" The first time those words actually cross her lips, I may die laughing.
We had a fun morning of playing at the house and even got out the remainder of our "little" toys from the basement for Brooke to play with. Mostly she liked Joshua's drum and his garbage truck. We had some lunch together, but mostly fed the kids. Then we decided that a walk was in order, so we loaded up the wagon and off we went around the development. We headed straight for the playground, much to Joshua's delight, and spent some time playing there. Brooke had her very first ride on a swing and oh my goodness was she a happy little girl. She was squealing and laughing like I have never heard before. Rumor has it that after seeing the video her Mommy took of her loving her swing ride, there may be one coming to her own house for constant fun and smiles. It was the best to watch her have fun.
After Aunt Libby and Brooke hit the road for home, Joshua graced me with a nap. Being that it was Tuesday, I had nothing constructive to really work on at the house-- cleaning doesn't start until the END of the week (and who in their right mind would clean ahead?). I did a load or two of laundry, but then actually sat down on the couch, had a snack and enjoyed some daytime TV. I watched Oprah (the whole thing!) and even caught some Baby Stories and Bringing Home Baby on TLC (what is the world coming to?). It was a glorious afternoon.
Hopefully we'll be able to do this again prior to Libby's return back to school. I so enjoyed getting to spend some time with Brooke (and Lib too!). It's times like that that I hate being an hour away from my family---- it takes a lot of planning to get together, but it also makes it special and oh so worth it when we make it all happen.
Hopefully we'll be able to do this again prior to Libby's return back to school. I so enjoyed getting to spend some time with Brooke (and Lib too!). It's times like that that I hate being an hour away from my family---- it takes a lot of planning to get together, but it also makes it special and oh so worth it when we make it all happen.
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