Wednesday, July 1, 2009


One of the morning news shows I enjoy does a "News By The Numbers" segment. So here you go....the News By the Numbers from our house last night was this:

493 is the number of photos I uploaded and had printed at Wal-Mart this morning. Libby had uploaded some pictures of Brooke earlier in the week, which prompted me to remember that I hadn't done that in what seemed like a little while. When I checked the albums of printed photos, I realized that the last ones there were from Christmas, meaning that everything from January through the end of June had not yet been uploaded or printed. Yikes.

Approximately 12 hours later, the uploading process had completed. Approximately $74 after that, I had placed an order to have these little gems printed.

I can only imagine what the photo center people must have thought as picture after picture of Joshua spit out of their machine this morning. I'm betting it was something like..."This woman has a serious problem." Or maybe, "You know, they have 12 step programs for people like her." Or, if I'm trying to stay positive, "Look at that precious little boy who is growing up so stinking fast. What a great Mommy he has for taking so many pictures." Let's go with that one, shall we?


In other news, in case there was any remaining doubt, I am definitely pregnant. What I mean by that is that I now feel pregnant mostly all of the time. Up until our little episode of pushing myself a bit too far on Satruday evening, things haven't gotten a whole lot better. I'm feeling the growth of my middle and its impact on my lower back. My legs are throbbing and my feet are hurting more and more. I believe I officially left behind my days of high heels and have transitioned only to sandals for the remainder of the pregnancy. I'm pretty sure I lasted longer this time than I did with Joshua.

The real kicker was yesterday at a meeting. I was in our management office for the total span of 6 hours. During that time, there were two scheduled breaks, plus lunch time, during all of which I visited the bathroom. I also had to leave the meeting on 5 separate occasions to go to the bathroom. No joke. It appears the baby has taken to karate kicking me in the bladder, and upon receiving such a kick, I have no choice but to head directly to the restroom. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

It hit me again last evening while I was reading Joshua some stories in his big boy bed. Can I just tell you how proud I am of how he's reacted to this transition? That's not the point of this, but I'm serious when I say that I expected far more drama over the whole thing, and there has been zero. He even said last night when he was in the tub that he was excited to get his pajamas on in his big boy room because that room (pointing to the nursery) is the room for babies. "And I'm a big boy now, Mama!" He even said, "My baby sister can have that room now since she's a baby." I believe I kissed him 11 times for being so sweet and grown up about the whole thing. But anyway, as I was laying beside him in bed with him cuddled up beside me and his beloved baby sister, I once again realized that I am decidedly pregnant when I couldn't get up from a laying down position without bracing myself to do so. And since we have bed rails on the bed to prevent head injuries and ER trips for Joshua, I had to scoot myself down to the end of the bed to get out. Boy am I glad no one witnessed the maneuvers it took to pull that off.....particularly not my husband who would have found great humor in the situation.

I don't mean to complain and hope it doesn't sound as if I am. I actually find it quite humorous and even a little enjoyable in a sick kind of way. I know that this is quite likely the last time in my life that I will feel this way- the last time I'll feel human life rolling around inside of me; the last time I'll probably be able to look at my expanding middle and know that it's because God's working a miracle that I get to be a part of; the last time that I'll get to think about a precious, perfect little baby with such anticipation each time I get up in the middle of the night to keep from wetting the bed. Or maybe it's just the hormones that are making me feel this way. I don't know, but I'm definitely pregnant now, in case there was any doubt.


Tonight begins the packing for our trip to Benezette tomorrow afternoon through the weekend. This may be the true test of the Highlander's travel capacity...well, at least until we have to pack up for Thanksgiving with TWO children. The plan is to be on the road by late afternoon and parked in relaxation mode by 6:30 for supper with my family. We're all super excited about getting away for a few days and spending time together. Something tells me that there may be another 493 pictures for my friends at Wal-Mart on Monday.

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