Last night I remembered a story from Friday that was really blog worthy. I feel that way because it nearly caused me to return to the hospital over popping a stitch. If you've never had a c-section, it's hard to understand the pain involved in laughing (not to mention sneezing or coughing...yowee). In fact, after my first c-section with Joshua, I banished my brother-in-law from visiting at the hospital because he's too stinking funny and he was killing me. Anyway...
One of the things that I had least anticipated about coming home on Friday was that Joshua ia a really funny little boy. He's always making us laugh with his imagination and creativity and the goofy things he says. Jason and Joshua were playing on Friday night and things turned to a few imaginary gorillas that Joshua located in the house. I was sitting on the couch holding Lauren, mostly because I was unable to get myself back into a standing position without Jason's help. Jason started asking Joshua questions about this gorilla.
Jason: "Joshua, is he a nice gorilla?"
Joshua: "Yes Daddy...he's friendly."
Jason: "What's his name?"
Joshua: "Fader Dader." (I kid you not.)
Jason: "Fader Dader, huh? Well where did he come from?"
...and this is where I nearly lost a stitch and ended up in tears over the pain!
Joshua: "The Bloomsburg Fair"
The gorillas have continued to reside here with us. Good thing they're mostly friendly and haven't made too much of a mess.
In Lauren news, things are really looking up. Our nights have transitioned from screaming and pacing the floors with her to some pretty decent sleep. Actually, it's significantly better than what I remember the nights being like with Joshua at this age. She's going down around 9:30-10:00 after eating well and staying asleep until around 2. I have two alarm clocks on my body that wake me before it's time for her to eat (amazing how that works) and I get to her before she's screaming mad. She eats, goes back to sleep within about an hour and sleeps for another few hours before wanting to do it all over again. I think she's learning that we're pretty quick to take care of her needs, so there's been far less screaming in the last few days, unless of course she's getting washed up or changed, which she still isn't a fan of. The bink has truly been a lifesaver.
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