Friday, March 19, 2010

Too nice outside to blog!

Lauren spent the afternoon at the office with me on Wednesday so that Joshua and Grandma could have some outside play time.

And after a hard afternoon at the office, this is what happened!

In other news, Joshua discovered a new way to eat mashed potatoes. Like an "ice cream cone". See the beater? If only I'd known about this method sooner...I would have saved myself many a fight over making mashed potatoes disappear from a plate!

Since it's far too nice outside to spend time blogging, I thought I'd at least put up the few new pictures that were hanging out on my camera. We've been spending as much time outside as possible this week, and hope to continue that trend through the weekend. Last night we had the first of what will hopefully be many Jump Fests at the Bingamans...and effectively played out the kids. Joshua crashed HARD and was still asleep at 8:00 this morning. The fresh evening air helped Lauren as well, and after a quick feeding at 4:55 this morning, she also was still dreaming at 8:00.
Hope you all are also enjoying the nice weather!

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