Monday, June 28, 2010

Bible School Pictures

Here are a few pictures from our adventures at Bible School last week. I have to tell you, you wouldn't think that it would be that big of a deal to get home from work, eat a quick bite of supper and then get the kids over to the church (a whole 1/4 mile away) to start Bible School at 6:00. Maybe it wouldn't have been a big deal for a Mom more organized than me, but by the time Friday rolled around, I felt like I'd had a good beating.

The good news is that Joshua had a great time. And that's why we do the things we do, isn't it? Lauren was along for 4 of the 5 nights and was a real trooper.

Enjoy the pictures!

During story time with Miss Sarah teaching using her very cool "space apron".

A ping pong ball race...

A spirited water game outside. The kids LOVED this one!

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