There's a whole lot happening on Greenbriar Drive these days. And as I type that, I realize that we are now only a mere 9 days away from me not being able to say that anymore. There MAY still be a whole lot going on on Greenbriar Drive, but we will no longer have any part of it. I'm getting a little better with that idea the closer we get to being in our new house. Maybe it's the first floor laundry room that has been a help in getting over the emotional part of moving. Or maybe it's just that I have too much on my mind to really allow myself a good cry over the fact that I won't be walking through the same doorway that I carried two perfect little bundles through anymore. I have a feeling there's a good, ugly cry coming here somewhere along the line, but for now, there's just too much that needs to be done.
God bless Jason for all of the work that he has been putting in to getting boxes packed. He's spent countless hours in the basement boxing toys and clothes and other random crap (for lack of a better word to describe it) so that it can be moved with relative ease. I feel like it's such an excuse for me to avoid the work, but with the kids at the age that they are, we really can't do a whole lot with them right there with us, or without one of us "on duty" so to speak. So, Jason has been shouldering a lot of the burden for the packing while I'm managing the munchkins and tending to the normal work that needs to be done around the house. I did unpack the hope chest yesterday to box up the contents. And oh my goodness, all I can say about that is that our entire past lives are packed into this gorgeous chest that my grandfather made for me. But when you open the lid to it, you just get sucked into memories and pictures and yearbooks and old diaries. Let's just say you can all be glad that I'm no good with a scanner, or else Facebook would be blowing up with tagged photos that I've dug up. You're welcome.
The weekend was a busy one, even aside from the get-ready-to-move thing that we have going on. Joshua has been resembling a shaggy beast in recent days because his last weekend haircut plan was derailed when Rene, the barber, was away. Being the control freak that he is, and I say that lovingly because I'm pretty sure it comes from me genetically, he wasn't approving of seeing another barber last weekend. So we took the week to talk him into it and develop an appropriate bribe to make it OK. So Jason and Joshua headed out on Saturday morning to go to Daddy's barber and then make a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house to see her Christmas tree. He came home with this...
A singing Rudolph. Who is now his best friend. Did I mention he sings? Because we have listened to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer no less than 674 times since Saturday afternoon. Both Jason and I have threatened to remove his batteries or make sure that he doesn't make the move with us to Turbotville. But when you look at that grin and hear Joshua talking to Rudolph as though they're long lost brothers, you almost can't help but get into the Christmas spirit. But I can't guarantee that I won't snap at some point in the next 9 days and take it out on Rudolph.
While they were out and about, Lauren and I worked a spell at the Kiwanis Club's Breakfast with Santa and had a grand time. She was as cute as ever and has recently taken a turn into the social department, waving and saying "Hah" (Hi) to everyone. It's a big step forward for our little introvert and it's been fun to watch. We made a trip to Wal-Mart, which is likely only one of about 12 trips I'll make there before this move is said and done. I also took her to Leesers for a pair of shoes that are actually fitted properly for her little feet. You can all be glad that this is a long enough post already because I don't have the time or energy to rant about why you can't buy a little girl a plain pair of brown shoes.........seriously! I came home with a pair of brown shoes with all kinds of crap all over them (green, orange, pink flowers) as well as the complex they gave me about being a total loon for thinking that her shoes needed to match her outfits. After doing some online shopping, I located what I had gone looking for, and anxiously await their arrival. They're the same doggone shoe without the decorative garbage on them. Anyway...
Once we got home, I snapped a picture of Lauren's newest skill. See?
She has leaned to climb on Joshua's step stool to reach whatever it is we don't want her to have. For example, knives out of the dish drainer, things on the stove, papers on the counter, and the list goes on. But doesn't she look proud of herself?
We ended our Saturday with a trip to Target to finish up the stocking stuffers that I need to round out the Christmas shopping list. It actually felt really good to be out shopping with so many others who are doing the same thing. For as different as this Christmas is for us- changed travel plans, no decorations until the last minute, fewer holiday gatherings due to schedules, hurried shopping/wrapping, etc.- I feel more tightly connected to the REAL reason for the holiday. I'm so grateful for that and for the fact that I don't feel as though I'm missing any of that awesome introspection that happens for me each year at Christmas. Most of my "celebrating" thus far has been through music and I've been so touched and blessed. God is so good. And His providence has been so evident to me through the past several months. His name, Emmanuel, means God with Us. And that means even without a Christmas tree, and even without lots of cookies having already been baked, and even without being with my family (a treasured tradition for me) on Christmas Eve. Even if we still have boxes everywhere on Christmas morning and even if things aren't exactly in their places, I know that Christmas means that God is with us right here where we are. That was the design of His plan. And maybe it takes a Christmas like this one for this Type A, self-declared control freak who would normally have everything in its rightful place by now, to remember that truth.
I've written significantly longer than I intended to. And if you're still with me...well, then you get the prize of this gem of a photo taken on Friday evening while I was folding laundry. Lauren loves hats...and apparently saw the perfect opportunity for one in a pair of Joshua's superhero underpants. You've gotta love this girl.
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