I had really good intentions about actually getting back to a regular posting habit. I'll not offer excuses (mostly because I don't have any) and instead give you a quick rundown of the past week.
What I had intended to post about originally was the beautiful day that I had for my ride along Rt 522 to Lewistown on Tuesday to be in town for my Dad's 20th anniversary celebration at his office. The ride there was glorious--- not a cloud in the sky, no kid DVD's playing in the backseat, and I could turn my music up and sing as loud as I wanted. It was an hour and 15 minutes that was good for my soul! It was so wonderful to be there for a couple of hours to watch as people came in to offer their congratulations and to share a whole bunch of memories with Dad. My Pap was there too, making it a pretty special 3 generation State Farm gathering. But mostly it was a day about my Dad and how special he is to so many people. I also snuck in a little bit of one on one Brooke time, which truly made my day. So often, when we have a chance to be together, I'm juggling Joshua and Lauren and I feel like I don't get to just sit on the floor and play with Brooke. But on Tuesday, I did. And if I could have put her in my purse and brought her back home with me I would have. What a sweet little girl she is. I'm so lucky to be her Aunt Meg.
In other news, I can say with confidence that Lauren is no longer a horrible sleeper. Amen and hallelujah to that, right? I'm sure you all are as sick of hearing about as I am of talking about the all nighters with my sweet baby girl in my arms. But, after 2+ weeks of letting her cry it out, we're now down to pretty much only a few minutes of fussing before she lays down and closes her eyes. She usually wakes once during the night and cries for a few minutes, but then settles back down. I have slept more in the past almost three weeks than I have in years. And it's amazing what that will do for your mood, energy level and ability to construct a coherent sentence. It's been a beautiful transformation around here. Naps are still a little tricky, but let's face it...if you're getting a full night's sleep, naps aren't really that big of a deal. Yesterday she fought her nap and after 45 minutes was still awake and crying upstairs. So we bagged the idea of a nap altogether and packed up for a trip to Target. She caught about 10 minutes of a power nap on the way home, and that was enough to hold her over.
More to come...
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