I'm not going to start into excuses about why it's been so long since I've blogged. I probably don't have any good ones. I will say, though, that when I got out the camera this morning to find a few pictures from our weekend festivities to share here, I was embarrassed by how far back into our social calendar I had to go to get caught up. So there is likely to be a flurry of blog posting coming up today or in recent days, so don't miss the ones below.
This weekend has quickly become one of my favorites each year. Lewisburg celebrates the Fourth of July in grand style, albeit a week BEFORE the actual holiday, but as I've now lived in this area for a good number of years (8 1/2, shockingly) I've come to appreciate the tradition. Friday night is the big fireworks display (which we have yet to witness due to small children and earlier than 10 pm bedtimes, but one of these years we are going to get crazy and stay up for them....but I knew this year wasn't the one). We were so lucky that Emily and Earl were able to put a chair out for me with a blanket for the kids the night before so we had a place to sit. The parade kicked off at 10 and we enjoyed every minute of the nearly 2 hours of patriotic music, horses, Abraham Lincoln (Joshua was in his glory!), fire trucks, candy, candy, candy and time with special friends.
Here was our crew all spread out and waiting for the parade to start. I couldn't believe the contrast to our very first shared parade experience with the Mowry's 3 years ago. How did these kids get so big so quickly?? And to think next year we'll have two more to add to the mix! Check out the picture below for a peek at parade day 2008...
After the parade was over, we headed back home, jammed some lunch into our bellies and rushed to take advantage of the ever-fleeting window of time that is Lauren's nap time. She still desperately needs the nap, but I would argue that I need it more and this weekend was certainly no time for missing it. While she slept, I got some chores done and did a little playing with Joshua. Before long, it was time to pack up our crew again and head back to the Mowry's for Cooper's 4th birthday party. I can't tell you how excited Joshua was because this was a superhero party, and really there is nothing more exciting than that to a 4 year old superhero enthusiast. Joshua donned his very favorite Spider Man t-shirt just for the occasion.
There was a whole bunch of jumping in the bounce house, some very super fantastic superhero cupcakes made safe for Joshua by me bringing the cupcakes and super sweet Nicole being vigilant about ingredients in her icing and decorating materials to be able to make Joshua's look just like the other kids'. It might sound so silly, but I was elated watching him eat a cupcake that looked identical to everyone else's and knowing that he was so happy to be able to be involved.
The kids did some gator riding, four-wheeling, swingset playing, more bouncing, running, chasing, etc. until all were sweaty, tired and ready to call it a night.
(I'm super disappointed. This was my best picture of the day and blogger doesn't seem to want you to see it right side up. So lay down on your left side to look at this one to really get the idea.)
Emily and I had to laugh because we were dressed identically for the day's festivities- right down to the color of nail polish on our toes. Pretty funny. So we decided to capture the moment.
(Again, this one belongs in the parade set, but do you think I can get it there? Blogger, is this my punishment for being absent?)