Monday, August 8, 2011

It can't possibly be Monday already.

I feel like I need a weekend to recover from the weekend.  Not a good way to start off the week!

It's official-- the week of Bible School officially kicked my tail.  Actually, Bible School wasn't so bad if I didn't need to also factor in a week's worth of work minus one staff member who is on vacation, rushing home to get dinner on the table and into tummies so that we could be back in the car ready for VBS at 6:00.  Add to that the fact that we also needed to get ready for a whirlwind Lewistown trip this weekend and that pretty much explains why I'm dragging myself around today.

I snapped a few more pictures at Bible School on Friday evening, and you'll notice a certain almost-two-year-old someone who weaseled her way into the van with us after supper.  She kept saying, "Peeeeeeeeeeeeeease Mama?"  And really, who can say no to that.  She was more of a participator this time and even sat with the kids during story time.

And she loved the obstacle course at game time-- mostly due to the stick horse she got to ride.  She did better at it than some of the 3-4 year olds.

It was a late night getting to sleep on Friday, which (luckily) gave me a little more time on Saturday morning to get things around for our trip home for the Richard Reunion.  Once the kids were up and dressed and had some breakfast, we hit the road and travelled through quite a storm to get home.  Not a great day for a picnic, but you're not going to scare away the Richards with a little rain.  Not when there is good food and good family fun to be had.  We moved the picnic from the church pavillion (all metal and in the middle of an empty field) due to the risk of thunderstorms, and headed for higher ground at my parents' house.  The garage was packed with people but it turned out really well.  The kids didn't let mud puddles and raindrops keep them from having fun outside, and we didn't interfere.  They had a blast.

Later in the afternoon, Uncle Zig made the kids' afternoon by offering them a ride in the firetruck.  As you can imagine, they were all thrilled at that idea, so we headed to Burnham and loaded up the fire truck and took a little spin.  Even the big kids (me and Libby) were pretty excited!  When we returned, Joshua asked Zig no less than 8000 questions about the truck, his gear, the fire house and everything in it before we left to head back to Nana and Pap's house.  He even tried on his gear, which was pretty amusing.  I'm pretty sure the helmet alone weighs more than Josh.

We spent the evening playing outside until the kids started to melt down and it was time to call it a day.  It didn't take long until everyone was sacked out from a long day of excitement without naps!  Sunday morning we got up and headed to church, and I just had to snap a quick picture of Lauren in her little seersucker dress.  This was the best I could do as she was moving way too fast to get a good one.  Joshua was not allowing any photos that morning, so he is absent due to a very bad attitude.

The weekend flew by in a flash- like they all do, but it was a good one for sure.  We have so much going on in the next few weeks.  This week is prep week for our beach trip and then it's all downhill to the beginning of the school year.  Joshua seemed to be quite disappointed when we looked at his calendar last night and he realized that we were actually in the right month to use his "First Day of School" magnet.  But there's still a lot of summer fun to be had in the last few weeks, so we're going to make the most of it!

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