Monday, March 18, 2013

The (turning into a weekly tradition) weekend camera dump.

Weekends come and go so quickly lately.  And by the looks of my laundry room, it is clear that we spent most of this weekend on the run.  But it was a good one.  I may pay the price in laundry, but it was worth it for all of the fun stuff we got to do.

Friday night was Joshua's last basketball practice.  He is actually really sad that it's over, as Jason shared that he had a heart to heart with him that ended in tears about how much fun he had learning how to play basketball and getting to share that experience with his Daddy.  I have been so super proud of both Jason and the way he has handled the Upward team this season.  I think he had way more fun than he expected, and he and Earl have seemed to become the envy of the Kindergarten-First Grade teams with the improvement that they inspired in the kids through the past few months.  I love that this is something that Josh and Jason have shared together.  So, Emily and I have had a pretty easy ride with this whole basketball situation (if you call wrangling toddlers and carrying enough snacks and toys in your diaper bag to occupy the kids during games easy), but it was our job to plan a little pizza party celebration for the kids on Friday evening.  Sadly, Earl missed out on the fun because he was sick, but we did our best to be festive and the kids seemed to have a great time.  Mara effectively wrecked a new Sunday School classroom she hadn't had the opportunity to destroy yet, so she was happy. 

Saturday morning we got up and got ready for the game.  Joshua was super excited to know that Aunt Libby and Uncle Zig and the girls were coming to watch him play and he hoped so much that he would be able to score a basket for them to see.  God bless his heart, he did manage a basket on Saturday and was so proud of himself.  He had a few fast breaks and really showed his progress in controlling the ball and dribbling better than he had to start the season.  Our Cobras had a great showing on Saturday and finished the season strong.  We were all proud of them. 

We were so excited to get some special time with Aunt Libby and Uncle Zig and our two favorite girls from Lewistown on Saturday afternoon.  After Brooke had sat through the car ride and Joshua's basketball game, it seemed only fair to give her a spot to burn off some energy, so we headed to The Well to let the kids play.  Somehow I neglected to take any pictures, but they would have been blurry anyway---- the kids ripped and tore until they were sweaty and exhausted.  Poor Lauren felt the disappointment of being the youngest in the trio and melted to tears a few times when her three year old legs wouldn't keep up with Josh and Brooke's.  After The Well, we headed back home for some quieter time and a little bit of supper.  Although we were sad to see the Wrays headed back to Burnham, we were so thankful for a little bit of time to spend together.    

Saturday night led to some home time--- the only real home time we had this weekend at all.  But the kids enjoyed a movie and I managed a photo of the three of them together.  I always love it when that happens. 

Sunday morning started another whirlwind day.  After church, we rushed home to stuff some lunch into our tummies in order to pack up again and head to the church for the annual egg hunt.  I forgot how fast this whole event actually goes by, because the two minutes we were late just about cost the little Dugans their opportunity to gather some eggs.  Luckily, a sweet teenager took Lauren under her wing and helped her to gather a bucketfull of eggs.  Sweet Mara had no clue what to do and did find two eggs left in the corner of the gym to put into her bucket.  She seemed happy.

I failed as a mother yet again because I didn't get any pictures of Joshua in the actual hunt for his eggs.  Thank goodness for Emily, because I was still dealing with the little ones inside when the next group started.  But I did manage at least one photo to prove that Joshua was indeed along with us.  The funny part about the egg hunt was the fresh coat of white snow that had fallen on the ground, necessitating snow boots and gloves to be worn for the hunt.  Easter in March is always tricky.  But the kids didn't seem to mind the unconventional Easter weather, and it certainly didn't dampen their interest in the goodies they found.  Thankfully, after Emily and I stuffed about half of the eggs that were used in the hunt, we were assured that many of them were peanut safe, so that was a real blessing for Joshua.

 Later in the day, I found an appropriate caging spot for Mara.  It worked for about 20 seconds before she tried to flip out onto her head.  That girl exhausts me.  I love her to pieces, but I am so ready to be out of the tornado stage with her.

And so, our new week begins.  Hope your weekend was great just like ours!

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