Monday, April 15, 2013

Another busy weekend!

Well, it's Monday.  And you know what that means.  Another camera dump from another action packed weekend.  By the looks of the calendar, this is kind of how things are going to go until we get through at least the first part of the summer.  We're loving it!

We started out our Saturday morning preparing for a (cold) morning on the soccer field for Joshua's first soccer game.  Jason has had his arm officially twisted into coaching their team, and although I am sure he's doing a fine job, isn't finding this as easy as coaching Upward earlier this winter.  But, the team did pretty well.  The team was split in half with two games going on simultaneously.  Really, I think this created far more chaos than it made good sense to have going on, but who am I to say.  The half of the team that Joshua played on did very well, outscoring their opponents by a landslide.  Although without keeping score and without goalies, all the kids really needed to do was get the ball pointed in the direction of the goal and give it a swift kick.  Joshua seems to be having fun, but has already told us that he prefers basketball and isn't sure he is going to play soccer again.  No tears from Mommy and Daddy on that one.  

During the game, my official duty was that of wrangling Mara.  (Sounds familiar from basketball, right?)  I will say, without a shadow of a doubt, that this girl is going to do me in.  Within the first 8 minute quarter, she had managed to get Lauren's bag of grapes out of my bag and smashed them literally all over herself.  And then she sat on them.  It was disgusting.  And then once she began to run all over the place, I must have looked like a mother without an ounce of control as I grabbed her from running onto the soccer field no less than 30 times.  Lord, give me strength.

The real highlight of the day was that the workers finally came to the house on Saturday morning to finish the installation of the basketball hoop.  I don't know whether Joshua was more excited, or whether we were to finally have the 2x4's that were holding up the pole as it cured in the cement for the past week out of the yard.  Once Joshua started shooting baskets, he didn't stop until we literally forced him inside at supper time.  Sunday was a repeat of Saturday with hundreds of baskets shot and hours of dribbling in the driveway.  I am pretty sure this is how our summer is going to go--- and if he's as happy for the whole summer as he was this weekend, that's fine with us!  Even Lauren got in on the action, although she needed a whole lot of help to make her baskets.

On Saturday night, the kids set up shop in front of the window to try to watch for the Northern Lights that were predicted to be visible.  It f;lashed me back to the summer in Poe Valley that Libby and I set up camp on the porch with my Dad to watch an eclipse.  And we sat there for hours!  The kids tired of the exercise after about a half hour when they finally believed us that it was going to be too cloudy to see anything fun.  They settled for a video of the aurora borealis on the iPad. 

Even Mara was waiting for the Northern Lights.  Although I am willing to bet that it was the snacks she was eating that kept her there.

We have an insanely busy week ahead, culminating in Jason, Mara and I leaving for Dallas on Friday morning to spend the weekend there ahead of his Raymond James conference.  We are super excited to get away, and equally as terrified of putting Mara on the airplane for three hours of being confined to my lap.  All I can say is that the Bible verse about not worrying about anything, but instead, praying about everything is my saving grace this week.  I am certainly having frequent pleading sessions with God to help give me patience and wisdom in what to do to keep Mara happy on the plane.  I may also be throwing a few extra prayers in there for her to be extra sleepy, and perhaps for the entire plane to be filled with loving mothers and grandmothers who will understand what this is going to be like for her.  We'll see how this goes, but it's bound to be interesting.  And blog worthy.  You can count on that.

More soon!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Have a great trip!!!