Thursday, June 19, 2014

Last Day of School and Lauren's Ballet "Recital"

I somehow get the feeling that this summer is going to be one of those that goes by in a blink.  Already, as I look at our full calendar, I am so grateful for all of the fun things we have planned as a family, but I already can't believe how quickly the time is going by.  I have about 3 more blog posts ready to add text to, packed with pictures from our trip last week, so while I have been remiss about keeping things updated here, I should be relatively caught up within the next 24 hours or so.
June 5th marked the end of the school year for Joshua, and with it a range of emotions for him.  We actually had tears on the way home from school on the last day- a sure sign that there are a whole lot of awesome things happening at Meadowbrook for him.  He was sad to leave his friends, and sad to be done with school for the year.  Those tears dried pretty quickly when he realized he could play as much basketball as he wanted, and realized the fun trips that we had planned for the coming months.  First grade marked the end of the school year with a service project at the Ronald McDonald House to deliver the tons of tabs that the school had collected.  Since first grade brought in the most tabs, they were the ones who got to hand deliver the tabs and see the great things that are happening there.  They also had a great end of the year party where we snapped a few pictures.

Mrs. Nornhold was such a blessing to Joshua this year.  She really did care for him and look out for him as one of her own.  I know she was desperately nervous at the beginning of the school year as we talked many many times about her fears about keeping him safe.  But she did everything we needed her to do, and executed all of the safety plans we worked on to make sure we made it through first grade without peanut incident.  I know she prayed daily for the kids, and you could feel that in the classroom.  We're grateful for the experience Josh had this year.  These were some of his favorite friends, all of whom probably served to drive Mrs. Nornhold crazy through the course of the year.  But I hope these guys will always stay great friends.

After Joshua's end of the school year, things went into full beach trip preparation mode.  I was more disorganized for this trip than I have been for any vacation we have ever taken.  It was the night before we were leaving and I still had nothing--- NOT ONE THING--- in a suitcase.  Somehow everything ended up somewhat organized and ready to go by the time we left, but I was sweating it a bit.  Before we could get going, though, we had one little ballerina who had a recital to attend.  We missed the real deal because it was the same day we were leaving for the beach, but Lauren got to show us her stuff at the dress rehearsal and had a great time.  I thought she looked just precious.  She danced her heart out, knew all the moves, and didn't seemed phased by the crowd staring at her on the stage.  We were so proud of her.

After we celebrated with a milkshake for her, we headed home to start shoving things into bags and boxes to pack up the next morning for the Outer Banks.  Those posts are coming!

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