Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Moving and Shaking

What a weekend!  (It's Tuesday and I'm still feeling that way!)  Although it was a busy one, it was a very happy one. 
Friday morning, bright and early, I headed for Lewistown to be on hand to help Libby and Zig as they moved into their new house!  For months and months, we've all had the day circled on our calendars, but it was so exciting when it was finally here.  I could not have been happier for them!  Lots of friends gathered there to help any way we could.  Stacie and I found ourselves cleaning up odds and ends of things that were left in the Burnham house, and then went back to clean there before the new buyers came that afternoon.  We unloaded closets, put together beds and just helped do anything we could do to make it easier on Lib and Zig.  I had the best time and truly did not want to leave until everything had found its spot.
But...Friday evening was exciting too.  For the first time in months (literally...as sad as that is) we had finally coordinated calendars with the Mowrys to enjoy a night on their deck watching the Lewisburg fireworks.  I was less interested in the fireworks than I was in catching up with them!  The kids had a ball- running around, playing in the bounce house, swinging on the swings.  I love watching our kids all playing together.  We ate some yummy snacks and just enjoyed being together.  Just the kind of evening I needed after the day's events.
Saturday found me in the basement for the majority of the day starting to think about how to tackle the monster that is going to be our yard sale for the Turbotville Community Yard Sale Days.  Needless to say, I have big plans.  I am just hoping the same buyers come to the sale that came a few years ago when it was WELL worth our while to be set up out there.  I have dreams of unloading all of my baby gear and LOTS of little people clothing, so we'll see how it goes.  Lots of work to be done there in the coming weeks to prepare.  Lots.  While I was working downstairs, we were lucky enough to be trying out a new babysitter option for the kids.  When I made my post on Care.com to try to find Jen's replacement, a fellow Meadowbrook student, Key Clubber and church goer responded that she would be interested in helping us with the kids.  So I set up a sprinkler for them all to play in while I worked downstairs.  I re-appeared every half hour or so just to make sure everyone was OK, and all was well.  So maybe just maybe we're on our way to finding a new option for a sitter.  Hopefully the kids didn't scare her away!
We spent Saturday night sitting on the deck enjoying some music, and Jason and I even got into the hot tub after the kids went to bed.  It was really nice-- truly the first time we've had a chance to enjoy the deck since the major remodel last fall.  If only we were in one place long enough this year to really get a lot of deck sitting time!  But we're working on it.
Sunday, Jason had a golf event planned, so I decided to pack up the kids and head for Lewistown for the day.  It was just one of those days that I didn't feel like being at home doing the normal Sunday routine on my own.  So we went to church at Maitland with my family, and then headed back to Libby and Zig's to hang out there for the afternoon while the kids played.  Honestly, I wish I could be with my family every weekend like that.  It was wonderful and went by way too quickly.  I was loading everyone back up for the trip home long before I wanted to.

Mara and her beloved "orange playground" on our walk last night.  She was so happy.

And somehow during our short trip last night, Lauren mastered the monkey bars!  Joshua is still too afraid to try them, but she went swinging through these more times than I can count.  She is so funny--- as tentative as she is about a lot of things, she's also pretty brave about others.  She was so proud of this picture and ran in the house after we got back from our walk and just had to show Jason right away.

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