Monday, July 28, 2014

Together--- I guess it doesn't really matter where.

This wasn't exactly the campsite we had in mind.  But the campsite at Harvest Drive certainly had great amenities.  Especially considering we stayed IN MY PARENTS' HOUSE instead of in the camper as we had planned. 

We got the call from Poe Valley that, although they were going to open the campground later Friday afternoon, the site that we had reserved was still considered "hazardous" so we could not use it.  Quite honestly, this was a relief for Jason and me.  We had already cleared all of the cold food out of the camper and unloaded things into the truck.  The kids were happy playing at my parents' house, and we were quite OK with not attempting another run into the mountains.

So we set up our 4th of July picnic at Mom and Dad's.  We cooked all of the food we had planned to make at the campsite and advised Lib and Zig to come hungry and plan to stay a while!

There was lots of water play, lots of giggling and lots of good food.

So I guess, even though we weren't at Poe Valley, we were still together.  And that's all that matters.

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