Monday, July 28, 2014


It was a busy, hectic week for VBS just like always.  But the kids had a blast.  I got the opportunity to work with the preschool group (24 of them between ages 2-5) each night, and we had a blast.

One of the highlights for our kids was the kick off event that was held prior to the beginning of the VBS week where they had a huge slip and slide for them to go down.  Needless to say, the Dugan 3 were quite serious about their slipping and sliding!  Perhaps Mom was not quite as jazzed because I had to put their soapy slippery selves back into the car to take them home.  Suffice it to say that they went directly to the bath tub when we walked in the door.

So much time and effort goes into making VBS week a very special one for the kids.  I will always say that VBS is not designed for people who have jobs--- the running every night really wears me out.  But to see what the kids are learning, and the way the music and stories touch their hearts makes it so worth it to me.  I did a better job of not grumbling this year-- perhaps that had something to do with the fact that I wasn't carrying Mara around the whole week or figuring out how to nurse her in between groups.  Progress.  We'll call this progress.

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