Wednesday, May 27, 2015

K4...that's a wrap!

I am still struggling to wrap my mind around the fact that Lauren's school year is already over.  It feels like I was just buying backpacks and fresh packs of crayons and writing Lauren's name on each and every single stinking one of them to get her ready to begin her year in Mrs. Deitrick's K4 class.  At Meadowbrook, K4 is a half day program every day of the week, from 8-11 am.  Basically, it is Kindergarten Part I in terms of what they cover academically.  Joshua spent two years in Mrs. Deitrick's class and we have come to really respect and admire her.  Actually, truth be told, I would nominate her for sainthood based on the way she commands a classroom full of little people without ever raising her voice.  It is like nothing I have ever seen before.

Last Wednesday was Lauren's last day of school.  One of the perks of the preschool department is that they let out a few weeks before grades 1-12 do.  And make no mistake that Lauren has been enjoying the fact that she doesn't have to get up to go to school when Joshua still has to.  I have also appreciated the reprieve of getting two kiddos out the door in the morning, even though Lauren is hardly ever an issue.

On Thursday evening, we got our little girl all dolled up for her end of the year program.  She was so excited to be dressed up.  I have some better pictures on my camera (which, of course, is not with me at the moment) so I will share them later. 

This was our sixth Preschool Program in a row...with at least 3 more to follow.  I asked Mr. Baughman at the end of the program if there was a running tally for which family attended the most in succession.  But I would think we are at least in the running for a respectable number.

Lauren's class performed one of their Bible verses that they had memorized this year.  They memorized one for each letter of the alphabet, so at least 26 new ones in addition to the Lord's Prayer and a few other general ones.  They also recited a poem that all of the kids enjoyed about "1-2-3-4-5, I caught a fish alive".  The photo above was captured by the school during that portion of their program.  They also sang "This Little Light of Mine".  Then, each of the kids was called down individually to receive their completion certificate from Mrs. Deitrick and Mr. Baughman.  Photos of that are also on my camera.  Poor planning on my part here today to not have it with me.

Grandma was with us for the program, and provided great help in the entertainment factor with Mara and Josh.  Josh did pretty well because...well, he's 8...and also, there were about a thousand of his friends who were also there to see their younger siblings, so he was socially occupied for much of it.  Mara got through the hour and a half long program by eating 14,000 calories of snacks, coloring and looking at pictures on my phone.  It really is a "do what you have to do to get through it" kind of situation.  I'm just grateful that they behaved-- I have had to get babysitters for them in the past because I couldn't trust them to behave and I wasn't willing to risk being out in the hallway with a non-compliant child during the three minutes of the 90 that I actually was there to see. 

We had a celebratory milkshake on the way home, and Lauren was mighty proud of herself and the great job she did in K4.  She never brought home a graded paper with less than 100 on it, and she was known in the class as the patient, loving, compassionate one who was friends with everyone and a helper to all.  As a Mama, there is nothing that makes my heart prouder than to her that description of your daughter.  I know she has a bright and wonderful future ahead of her.  She is already excited about K5 (Kindergarten) next year with Mrs. Case.  And I'm already trying to mentally prepare myself for the fact that next year I'll be a weepy mess with Mara in the Nursery School program for the first time, and Lauren being one of the ones marching in to Pomp and Circumstance wearing the little cap and gown as a Kindergarten graduate.  Oh my heart!

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