Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Home for Christmas

The kids were my "helpers" at the office during the morning on Christmas Eve while the girls were off enjoying their day of preparations. We had a ball. We got Josh an Egg McMuffin and the girls a donut from Dunkin, and we enjoyed the morning together at the office. There were lots of blank Word documents created. Lots of shredded papers and lots of cups of water from the water cooler. But it was a hoot. 

The weather was so unseasonably warm that the kids went out to ride bikes in the afternoon after we got home while I did some cooking prep. We had roast beef for dinner and then got ready for church.  What to wear to Christmas Eve church in 70 degree weather was a real quandary...and the girls' Easter dresses were actually in the running until the last minute. 

Josh sang a solo during the service. We were so proud of him!  He handled a very packed church like a champ.  We had worked hard on learning it at home, but thankfully Miss Shirley was the accompanist for the service because, well...this piano player is rusty and wouldn't have handled the crowd with the grace that our 9 year old did. He absolutely made my Christmas with his song. It was called "A Shepherd's Heart" and was beautiful. 

When we returned from church, Clocky had made his return to the North Pole but had left some new Christmas pj's for the kids. I was grateful for this because somehow, outside of the realm of my OCD, the kids have begun crafting their own "pajamas" out of whatever they can find. Mostly I have been too tired to fight it. Pink fleece monkey print pj pants with a tie dye tshirt...sure. Football print lounge pants with a minecraft tshirt...why don't you just write my ticket to the funny farm right now. At least this way, thanks to Clocky's generosity, our Christmas pictures do not make it appear as though we are homeless or have no clue how to match. 

We set out our cookies for Santa and then hit the hay. Josh felt very strongly that I ensure that Jason didn't stay up late to make sure we would all be asleep when Santa arrived. 

And arrive, he did. 

Joshua woke me up at 0 dark thirty (aka 5 am) to go open presents. It may be unconventional and perhaps cruel, but I made him wait until I had gotten a shower to go downstairs. I find it unthinkable to wake any earlier than my 5:00 normal wake up time to get ready before the kids on Christmas. To add to his torture, the girls didn't wake up until after 7:00, so it was a painful
wait for him. 

The opening of the presents was done in a flash and then came the near panic attack about finding the living room floor again. We started putting toys together immediately and finding space for things in the playroom. This Mama likes things picked up and has little patience for clutter, even at Christmas.  Especially at Christmas. There is just so much stuff!

I loved watching the kids' faces as they opened things- not just the items they had asked for, but especially the ones that had been selected for them unsolicited. Mara loved her tea set and Lauren loved her makeup set. Both received immediate attention from them. 

I have no words. 

Josh has been asking for a bookshelf for his room for the better part of a year. And he was in love. He quickly set out to fill it up with his books. 

We welcomed Jason's family in the afternoon and had a wonderful time exchanging gifts with them. We had a great meal together and enjoyed a few slushes...what's Christmas without whiskey slush?  I can't answer that question because I don't want to know. 

To say our hearts were full was an understatement.  We are so blessed. So loved. And not just with earthly things. The idea that God put on skin, became one of us and humbled himself for someone like me is almost too much to comprehend. But I am so grateful for the opportunities I have had to reflect on that this Advent season. God has given me perspective when I most needed it. 

One more Christmas post to share from our Richard celebration from the 26th.  Maybe I will be able to keep this hot streak alive with another post tomorrow!

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