Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Snowy Weekend

The blizzard of 2016 has been relatively merciful to us in this part of PA.  While others around us have been contending with 12-36 inches of snow, we were graced with just enough for the kids to enjoy and to cancel obligations for the day on Saturday (although I had two disappointed kids to miss their first basketball games), but not so much that it was scary or overwhelming.  The 5 or so inches that fell in our backyard was just about perfect, if you ask me. 
We spent our snow day making some soup, and enjoying the smells of our roast beef and noodles simmering away in the crock pot all day long.  We scrounged through the basement and managed to find enough snow clothes for everyone, because I had a major Mom fail and neglected to think of new snow pants and boots prior to the flakes flying.  This may not have been an issue if Josh and Lauren hadn't grown like weeds over the past 12 months.  Luckily, Mara fit into Lauren's stuff from last year.  Lauren fit into Josh's.  And poor Josh played outside in boots that were at least 2 sizes too small, and our makeshift snow clothes of about 6 layers of his regular clothes that we hoped would keep him dry for long enough for him to enjoy it all.  There was all manner of complaining going on until he got outside-- at which point he either forgot about his suffering because he was having so much fun, or the cold numbed the feeling in his toes that were squished.  It wasn't our best work, but everyone was out there, and my Walmart list now includes snow clothes and boots for Josh before the next round of snow that we get.
I had to laugh at the kids outside with Toby yesterday-- he wasn't sure quite what to make of the snow, and just seemed happy to have the kids outside with him to run around.  Most of the pictures I got of him are a total blur, but I think everyone (furry friends included) had fun playing outside.

I am pretty sure that everyone's favorite part of playing in the snow is coming inside for hot chocolate when they're cold.  I know this because they told me, "Mommy, coming in for hot chocolate is our favorite part of the snow."  I'm perceptive.  Everyone warmed their insides and found enough of a sugar rush to make it through the rest of the afternoon with board games and coloring.  I'd say it was a winner of a day.  Especially since I managed a great treadmill workout while they were all occupied.

Jason and I are a little sad today because we had been scheduled to be in Lancaster today for my Christmas present, which was VIP Experience tickets to see Jennifer Nettles in concert at the American Music Theater.  Apparently 30+ inches of snow in Lancaster is too much to hold such an event, and we got the call late yesterday afternoon that the concert had been cancelled.  They're not sure if they're going to reschedule or not at this point, so we're just waiting to hear about that.  Although it's disappointing not to get to be there, I am grateful that the decision was made for us.  I was really nervous about making the trek south since we didn't really know what the road conditions were going to be like when we got past our own local area.  The concert was expected to be super late too- with Jennifer Nettles not even going on stage until 10:00.  (I nearly had a stroke when I heard that part.  Anyone who knows me knows that I start NOTHING after the hour of about 7:30 pm.  Those hours are for FINISHING things...not starting them.)  So we were envisioning a 2 am return time to the house, and that was without any complicated travel conditions.  That was going to necessitate a day off of work tomorrow, and I was figuring on needing some sort of illegal stimulant to keep me awake for the part of the concert we were really interested in seeing.  So I guess it's a win all the way around, besides the fact that we aren't getting to enjoy the show and a day out to ourselves.  Instead, we were able to go to church as a family, I got another workout in, and now I'll start working on dinner and laundry and all of the things that make me feel good on a Sunday night when I have them accomplished.

Here's to the start of another week after a pretty restful, home-bound weekend.

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