Tuesday, April 26, 2016

National Conference Widow

This week, over the past 8 or so years, has become a tradition of sorts for me and the kids. Jason is away at his National Conference, which this year is located in Nashville. While he is away from last Sunday to this Friday night, the kids and I are on our own. So far, we are managing things OK.  

The toughest part of the deal is the morning routine. Jason usually drops Josh and Lauren off at school before he leaves for the office. Mara and I are up and dressed, but aren't always ready for public consumption (aka face not done yet or still working on chores around the house before I leave). But this week, it has pushed the schedule into the "uncomfortable" level.  A reasonable person would forego a morning workout so as not to have to get up with the roosters. But I am just stubborn enough...and just close enough to a major weight loss milestone...that I am not about to let a 4:00 am wakeup call stand between me and a goal. So I have been on the treadmill around 4:15 each morning so far and have gotten my 50 minutes and 6500 steps and my plank time in before 5:30 am. That sounds like utter insanity as I type it. If it makes it any less insane, I should note that I have been sleeping in my workout gear to eliminate that hurdle at such an hour where even the smallest excuse to get up and get moving can turn into a good reason to just take a day off. 

The only time the wheels fall off of the Dugan family train is around 5:30 pm when I walk in from the office to a chorus of "Mommy can you...?" and "Mommy, I need..." and "What's for supper?" followed by "What's for supper?".  I then question my own sanity because, didn't I just answer that question?  But low blood sugar for the kids evidently affects their  hearing and also their ability to wait 5 cotton-picking seconds while I get to the business of making their supper. At least one more time I am interrogated about what we are having for supper. Usually by the same person who has already asked twice no more than three minutes earlier. 

This (sideways...seriously, Blogger) picture is about the extent of communication with Jason for the entire week. I give him credit because he always manages to find time to Face Time with the kids for a few minutes.  I say hello but it isn't the same as a real conversation. And we have already covered how the children don't exactly fill that gap.  I actually keep a list of things to tell Jason about when he returns.  Right now it includes things like weekend plans that I have finalized for a few weeks from now, the fact that I was #89 to vote in Turbotville this afternoon (I'm usually in the single digits...although by the looks of the news reports tonight it appears that my efforts made no difference whatsoever) and the fact that Mara can now read the names of all of her classmates in the hallway at school by sight.  Fascinating list, huh?  The fact that my list only has those three things on it doesn't say much about the conversational skills shared between me and my husband.

The kids and I try to do things that are fun while Daddy is away-- things that don't really require too much extra effort because...well, go back and revisit that part about 4:15 am and the roosters if you need a memory jogger.  We played outside literally all afternoon on Sunday even though I had 8 million things that needed my attention inside the house.  The kids seemed to enjoy that, and frankly, so did I.  We also took an opportunity to go out to eat at Ciro's.  The big deal there was that we stayed there to eat in the restaurant.  Normally, we grab takeout and bring it home where behavior can be addressed without making a scene.  But they did wonderfully, and we actually had the entire restaurant to ourselves.  Monday night we had a very fancy dinner, at the kids' request, of pancakes and bacon.  They all gobbled it up, which made for a happy Mommy and happy kids.  And let's face it-- that is the name of the game during weeks like this.  I expended some extra effort tonight and made us some meatloaf and macaroni & cheese (which I did not partake of because did you know there are 10 Weight Watcher points in one serving of low fat Velveeta Shells & Cheese...good grief).  But I've already resigned myself to the fact that tomorrow will be a Subway night so that we can make it to ballet on time without a huge kitchen mess to deal with when we get home. 

I am always hopeful that weeks like this are useful and productive for Jason, and help to fill his tanks with ideas and connections to move the business forward here at home.  In any event, we are almost to the half way point until Daddy's return on Friday night.  The house is locked down like Alcatraz (don't think I'm kidding) and this tired Mama is headed to bed.  4:15 will be here before we know it.

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