Tuesday, April 19, 2016


This weekend was the kind of weekend we have been looking forward to-- beautiful weather and nothing critical that we needed to do. It was perfect!  We spent most of our time outside, went to two playgrounds and got Toby out for a nice walk twice. Tired kids and a tired pup equals a lot less struggles in the evenings!

We got to go to a birthday party for a while on Saturday afternoon, and the kids were thrilled to find a bounce house there for what little energy was left over after the playground and a walk and the first part of the afternoon having been spent outside. We got into the hot tub in the evening-- that's always a treat for them because we allow it so rarely. 

After church on Sunday after a harrowing experience in Wee Worship (with 17 2-5 year olds) in which I vowed to drink wine to drown my sorrows, we opted for a nice long walk to the kids' beloved "orange playground" (so named because the equipment there is...you guessed it...orange).  Then we cooked some yummy steaks and potatoes and also a concoction that my waistline never knew existed-- the glory that is called a chocolate chip pie. I was nervous up until the moment I cut into it that this was going to go on my board of Pinterest fails...but seriously, this was to die for. Which is precisely what I will need to do on the treadmill to burn that little sliver of pie off before Friday's weigh in. 

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