Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Back at it...

Christmas break was such a welcome departure from the rat race that was the first half of the school year. We had a whole week of all the things that bring me joy-- non-rushed mornings (several where the kids slept in long enough that I got to enjoy a cup of coffee all by myself), no homeowrk to do and NO LUNCHES TO PACK!  Add to that the family time and a whole lot fewer round trips to Meadowbrook, and I was a happy Mama with happy kids. After a few days, everyone settled in to "sleeping in"- which for Joshua means 6:45, Mara at 7:00 and Lauren around 8. But it sure beats the chorus of alarm clocks that normally ring for the other 4 in my tribe at 6:15 each morning. 

After a few days, the kids were ready for some activity and luckily there was a scheduled basketball clinic at the school that I could sign Lauren and Josh both up for. It was the perfect chance to get them out of the house, spare an ounce of Grandma's sanity and let them blow off some stink. 

And now, just as we have forgotten how to hustle through the morning routine, and have sunken into the glory of a 5 am workout instead of 4, our break is over. Yeayerday was like a cold bucket of wat poured onto all of us as we managed by the skin of our teeth to get out of the house before 7:35.  This morning was a little better yet. Hopefully we can get all of our morning household systems back on track again soon!

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