Sunday, January 1, 2017

Ringing In 2017

New Year's Eve...also known as the night each year when I realize how much I am NOT a party animal, nor a socialite.  And while the idea of getting all gussied up to go out on the town (some other town besides Turbotville, of course)  (because, Turbotville) sounds nice, so does the idea of staying home with my people and wearing sweats.  It won't be hard to guess which one won out.

Jason had an officer's meeting for the Fire Department and was gone all day, so the kids and I had grand designs on getting some things crossed off our list.  We had a relatively quiet morning at home, and the kids gave me a great late Christmas gift by not killing each other long enough for me to get a workout in on the treadmill and also take a shower.  And then we headed off to the mall for some quick returns and to Target and about 50 other stores for little things I had been hoping for a minute to do and just hadn't found it until then.  We didn't return home until after 3, and then set about making a huge (and I mean huge) pot of chicken noodle soup with corn, or chicken corn soup with noodles as was the debate around our supper table last evening.  I write that down here not because it will mean anything to anyone else, but mostly because I want to remember how long we laughed about it when we were eating. 

After supper I managed to stay awake by doing laundry.  (It's a glamorous life, I'm telling you.)  Around 8:30, I was done with my piles and all of the things had been put away where they belonged and I sat down on the couch with Jason to watch football.  It's always fun when Ohio State loses, and so we had quite a nice time watching Clemson beat them.  Before long, Mara had climbed up into my lap and brought a blanket with her, and so we snuggled.  And snoozed.  (Warm blanket + couch + snuggly little person + sitting = instant sleep.)  Soon Lauren joined in.  And we slept some more.  Around 10 we woke up and seriously contemplated the value in staying up to usher in the new year, reasoning that it would still come and go even if we were asleep dreaming of all of the great things 2017 is going to hold.  But we rallied.  Jason, Lauren and Mara continued to sleep, but Josh and I did our best to stay awake.  Just to prove how exciting this whole event was, I was tickled to find this photo evidence of our New Year's Eve celebration on Joshua's ipod this morning. 

That's 4/5 of the Dugan family asleep, with only Joshua awake and raring to go.  A wilder party you have never seen.  I also wonder how Mara doesn't have a horribly sore neck after sleeping that way between Jason and me, because ouch. 

Josh, Jason and I ended up going up to bed around 11:30 and we let Josh lay in our bed with us to try to stay awake for the official ball drop.  We managed to catch Mariah Carey's train wreck of a performance which led to a whole lot of justification about how she used to be really good and was an icon of my childhood music listening.  But Josh wasn't buying it because she stunk it up really badly.  She wasn't even trying to cover up the lip syncing that was going on.  And I'm not sure what in the world she was thinking when she picked her outfit.  Because a sparkly gymnastics leotard on a 46 year old body (yes, I looked that up) is never ever ever a good idea.  The good news, after that painful experience was over, was that all three of us saw the ball drop and said Happy New Year to each other and then went to bed.  We were all asleep by approximately 12:02.  And so, one very exciting New Year's Eve celebration came to a close.

I'll post more about my plans for 2017 in the next few days.  Let's just say that one of the things I am hoping against all hope to be able to accomplish is to write more frequently.  And that will please at least three people.  Plus me, so that's 4.

Happy New Year, everyone! 

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