Friday, October 19, 2007

Nothing earth shattering...

Today is one of those days that I don't have anything overly significant to write about, but I always try to share even the seemingly insignificant things with all of you. Sometimes it's the little things that seem so meaningful when I look back through these posts and the notes I've made in Joshua's albums. I love knowing when he first giggled at Aunt Libby when she visited for the David Phelps concert in early December 2006...that was the beginning of many Aunt Libby giggle fests that warm my heart beyond words. I love to remember his first raspberries at 15 weeks old and the look on his face when first tasted peas. There's no spot in the baby book for things like that, but those are the kinds of things I love to share. The littlest moments, I'm finding, are the important ones.

So it's been a few days of nothing earth shattering, but fun nonetheless. I can happily report that Joshua's lion has now transformed into a running crutch. He is literally running around the wood floors in our downstairs with little regard for the walls that he crashes into, but goodness it's it fun to watch. We had a very spirited game of "where's Mommy" before I left for work yesterday that had us both in stitches. I'm having trouble running fast enough around the house to hide from him before he can get there to find me. I may not be finding much time for the elliptical machine in the basement, but this might suffice in its place!

We're starting to see some progress in imitation of noises from Joshua in the last week or so. Lately it's been animal noises that he's making an attempt to copy. Judy shared that he had imitated her "meow" when she asked him what the cat said the other day. He won't do it again, but that doesn't come as a complete shock. He'll do what he wants when he wants to, and not a moment before. He made a great attempt at imitating my moo-cow noises yesterday morning, but only got the "mmmmmmmm" out. No "ooooooo". We'll keep practicing. He is still not associating "dada" and "mama" with Jason and I although he says them all the time. I know that's something the doctors want to see at 1 year. I try really hard not to worry about the "supposed to's", but a little worry sneaks in sometimes.

Our sleeping woes are back, but don't appear to be quite as bad as the past few months had been. I don't know whether he's going through a growth spurt or some new teeth are making their way through his gums or what, but he's been wanting to eat again around 1:30 every night for about a week. Once he eats his bottle, he just wants to be held and rocked for about an hour until he'll peacefully lay back down in his crib. I'm starting to get used to these little times together in the middle of the night. Last night I just sat and looked at him and marvelled at how big he's gotten and how much has happened in the past year.

Next week is a big week- the Big #1 is on Thursday, so I'll be thrilled to share pictures with everyone. There will be two little parties for our birthday boy because of travel logistics, so we'll share as soon as we can. I'm excited to try making his cake for him, so that ought to be a real's the thought that counts, right?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! New pictures on Monday, I hope from our special visit with Danaca! Yay!!

1 comment:

BrookesMommy said...

Hi Sissy and my FAVORITE MAN!
I was just thinking about those first giggles the other day...but the way you write things, I just BAWLED reading them to Uncle Zig! Thanks A LOT!
Can't wait to see my BIRTHDAY BOY this weekend! Hurry up and get here! I love you little man!