I always feel like, post weekend, I have a ton to update everyone on. As I looked through the camera from the weekend, there was so much good stuff there that I just may crash the blogger server by attempting to share it all. But I'll do my best.
Friday night was cleanup night to finish the not-so-glamorous parts of the weekend ritual in our house because the rest of the weekend was jam-packed with the fun stuff. So we finished up cleaning, grocery shopping and meal planning and I put together our lasagna supper for Saturday night. Joshua was as rambunctious as ever, so it was about 10:30 when I finished putting the pan of lasagna in the refrigerator. Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows that I'm usually long since asleep at 10:30, so we stretched the hours in the day on Friday out of necessity...not desire.
Saturday morning we woke up and took off for Woolrich. I am continually amazed at the things right in our backyard, and this was no exception. Jason had been there many times growing up, but we decided to take a ride on a beautiful fall morning and see what things were like at the company store there. We found a few things, but mostly I enjoyed the fall foliage along the way and the gorgeous little town of Woolrich. I actually commented on the way through the town that it's the kind of place that I'd like to own a vacation property in--- the street (one street through town) is lined with huge evergreen trees. They sort of towered over the town and made you feel like you were much further removed from reality than you actually were. I felt like I was camping, but in a civilized little neighborhood community. I envision all friendly neighbors, the kind of place where everyone looks out for everyone else. It was really something. We got back home just in time for PSU kickoff and watched the game. We're already starting to feel the excitement build for our opportunity to knock off Ohio State this weekend. (Blood pressure rising at the thought of what Beaver Stadium is going to be like for #1 OSU to come to town for an 8:00 pm kickoff on Saturday!)
The highlight of the weekend was definitely Danaca's visit on Saturday and Sunday. I can't tell you how much we enjoyed a very laid back visit with her. So often, family time with my side of the family turns into a circus. There are tons of people around and no one gets any real time with anyone. This was the exact opposite. So super special thanks to Danaca for taking the time to come and hang out with boring old us. It meant a lot to us. Joshua took to Danaca like I haven't seen him warm up to someone in a long time, so that was fun to watch. It may have helped that she brought him his first ever birthday present with BOOKS (his most favorite thing)! This gave me a bit of a glimpse into what Christmas is going to be like this year--- I already can't wait! We did a whole lot of nothing on Saturday afternoon. We played with Joshua, had some great chatting time while he took a nap and then enjoyed a yummy lasagna dinner (if I do say so myself).
I have restored faith in the fact that Joshua may have a bit of my DNA afterall by the way he scarfed down the lasagna I put on his tray. It's my absolute all time favorite! Usually his meal time ritual consists of one bite in his mouth, one bite shoved down his shirt and the next bite on the floor (Watson LOVES this arrangement and is mostly found hovering right below Joshua's highchair for anything he happens to "share"). Well, not with the lasagna. No sooner did I have another bite on the tray than it was gone. Had I been thinking I would have stripped Joshua down into his onesie to eat his dinner. I should know him well enough to know that a bib is going to last for a minute or two, and after that, the shirt he has on (and sometimes the pants) are a blank canvas for whatever he's eating. You can imagine the damage that tomato sauce and cheese would do! But apparently I wasn't thinking. Lasagna everywhere. See proof in the following shots.
Sunday we got up and went to church. This was week #2 with apparently no fussing in the nursery. This time he was the only baby there, so I was surprised he didn't freak out about us leaving him there. Apparently new toys to play with and new people to entertain trump any reliance on Mommy being nearby. Good to know. We came home, enjoyed lunch and some play time with Danaca before she hit the road and then a long nap to make up for missing his morning nap due to play time at church. A quick trip to the mall rounded out the day (and when I say quick, I mean it...40 minutes which included a new cell phone for me since mine was up for upgrade, a new lamp for our living room since Joshua had bent ours so that it looked a bit like the Leaning Tower of Pisa and a new pair of shoes for Jason- seriously...40 minutes). Last night we unwound a bit and before we knew it, it was Monday already.
This week could be one of the craziest in our recent history. With it being the big birthday week for the little man, there are lots of things to do. So I apologize already if my updates aren't immediate. Hopefully this batch of pictures and info will get you through until I can post again.
We'll talk to you all soon!
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