Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Resting up...

I thought I'd take a quick minute to put up a quick post this morning frankly, just because I can. It is now almost 8:00 am (in Joshua time this is like the middle of the morning on a normal day) and he is still snoring away. I can hear him through the monitor in front of me. Unbelievable! He must be getting some extra rest in before his big day tomorrow.

I've been baking his cake this morning as well, so we'll see how that goes. I'll only post pictures if it's presentable and there are no guarantees on that.

Have a great day everyone!


The Bingamans said...

And of course you decided to bake a cake instead of "resting up" yourself! I would have slept in! haha I guess we're lucky that way, Sydney usually sleeps in till 8:00a if we don't wake her, but usually I have to go in and wake her at 7:00 if we have to go to Mimi's house. Can't wait to see the cake! You better posts pictures!

grandma said...

Hi Joshua!

I just got home and grandpa was reading your blogsite. I enjoyed ready all your adventures even though I was there for many of them.

We are looking forward to your 1st birthday party tomorrow night.
I will miss seeing you for a few days but you have fun with your mommy and daddy.

Grandma loves you very much. You have brought so much joy to my life. Hugs and Kisses.

Grandpa says hi and loves you too.