What do you get when you cross a trip to Lewistown, a PSU home game (that we won!) and a quiet day at home to enjoy Joshua? A WONDERFUL WEEKEND! And that's what we had.
Friday afternoon we took off (earlier than planned...awesome) and made it to Lewistown early enough for my parents to get to enjoy the baby a little bit before bedtime. Nana got to help with tubby time (always a favorite) and Joshua got to get reacclamated to the surroundings there. He got a second (or third or fourth) wind at bedtime and wound up playing until after 10:00. All of those toys were just calling his name...and he couldn't resist. Nana and Poppy got quite a kick out of his water drinking "aaaaaaaaaaah" trick and his snoot face. Our little performer.
Saturday morning Jason and I got up and headed over the mountain to Penn State. After how many years of going over there to games, we finally figured out how NOT to get caught up in traffic coming out of the game by going into a different entrance to the parking fields. What a great find that was! We had an awesome day- walked downtown to get some lunch and soak up the atmosphere of the crowds down there, visited with his friends at their tailgate, and then enjoyed a wonderful PSU win. I have to tell you, I'm convinced that the university squeezes an additional seat into the rows every week because we're getting progressively squished. We were literally packed in like sardines. Imagine the scene- it was about 89 degrees at kickoff and we were touching each other WAY too much. I wanted to cry when two girls (who were thankfully skinny, but still) came to sit in our row after the game had started. Now, one oversized person can make a lot of trouble in the rows, but I know it wasn't Jason or I because both of us have LOST weight recently. So anyway, we made friends with the people beside, in front of and behind us. In fact, the guy sitting just to our right was from Danville. What are the chances- 108,000 in the stands and the guy tells me he's seen my billboards around town. (It's a Small World is ringing in my ears!)
Sunday was a catch up day at home- laundry, groceries, cleaning, etc. but we did a lot of playing with the little guy. He went non stop! He seems to be on a bottle strike right now, so perhaps it would be a good time to start the process of weaning off of formula and on to whole milk. (Any mommy friends out there who can give me advice on this one, please chime in!) He's been taking only an ounce or two of bottle all weekend, except for his bedtime bottle which he sucks down as though he hasn't been fed all day. But, he's been sleeping like a champ, which I can't imagine he'd be doing if he was hungry. He's picking up table foods really well right now and last night even skipped baby food altogether and ate chicken, rice and carrots that we were eating. This is big progress for us! Yay Joshua! The night ended with an awesome wagon ride around the neighborhood. We only came in because it was getting dark. Joshua LOVES his wagon! He just sat there with Elmo, drank water from his sippy cup and watched the world go by. What a life he has!
I'll include a few pictures from the weekend. Hope you enjoy.
Music class tonight---- can't wait! Happy Monday everyone!
Check out the picture Jason got of the Blue Band drumline! That one's for you, Linds! Let's go State!!

Elmo is SO funny!
1 comment:
I just have to say that I can HEAR him giggling in these pics!
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