Emptying purses and bags...Joshua's specialty.
Another weekend of adventures for Joshua! This past weekend we travelled to Harrisburg with the Key Club District Board for our November board meeting. It's always a circus to travel with Joshua- and we look like we're moving in for a month instead of an overnight. As hard as we try, we've yet to manage packing lightly. So Jason drove the rented minivan (I'm pretty sure that's as close as we'll be getting to minivan land anytime soon) with the high school kids and I drove the Jeep with Joshua and our necessaries for the weekend.
Joshua was so well behaved (and if I sound surprised, I am!) during the festivities. I think he enjoyed seeing all of the different faces and having so much to watch. His biggest fascination was a pile of luggage that was just screaming to be unloaded. He worked at any zipper or buckle he could find and seemed to have a blast doing so. On Sunday during our official meeting, he played with the purses of the Circle K members who were there to visit and seemed completely entertained with that. Jason has some concerns about his fascination with purses, but I think it's just the enjoyment of "taking out" and "putting back" that can keep him entertained. Whatever works I guess.
Tooth #8 has appeared over the weekend, which made for a very ouchy little boy yesterday. He boycotted dinner almost altogether, but slept like an angel last night. I'm sure he'll get himself back on track and eat to make up for yesterday today. He'll enjoy dinner tonight- I have pork and sauerkraut cooking away in the crockpot. We'll mash up some potatoes when I get home and enjoy a really yummy comfort meal tonight. I'm already excited about that.
This week is a bit of a whirlwind. We got unpacked yesterday afternoon only to think about packing up again at the end of this week for Bedford Springs Resort on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for State Farm's fall planning event there. I'm lucky to be able to have Jason and Joshua join me. Still haven't mustered up the strength to go away overnight yet. Call me a sissy if you must, but I just can't get comfortable with the idea of not seeing Joshua for a whole night and missing the chance to snuggle him to sleep. Maybe by the time he has to go to college. Maybe. I know...I have issues. On a good note, my parents will also be at this conference, so Joshua will get some good Banana time with my mom while we're in meetings, and I'm sure Poppy will squeeze in some quality time with his little buddy as well. Should be a great couple of days.
How Ironic! We had Pork and Saurkraut in a crock pot this weekend too! We didn't even talk about that Saturday night either! It's the little things that amaze me. haha So the dip was a hit! It was so good it didn't even make it to the freezer. We ate one on Saturday night and one on Sunday night! Thanks for sharing!
Hey Darla- now that you have the taco dip recipe, I fear that I have no leverage to use to lure you to hang out with us now! This is not good!
Glad to hear that our dinner menus are coordinated- we should save each other a weekly chore and just share our lists. :o)
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