This was taken yesterday morning before breakfast. Gotta love that smile!
I thought you might enjoy a couple new pictures from the past few days. Pardon the red eyes on the one photo- these haven't been run through Photoshop to take care of that quite yet.
Here's a funny story from last evening that still makes me chuckle when I think about it. I'm a big American Idol fan, so I've been looking forward to the beginning of the new Idol season since they started announcing it. I hope that some of you are also Idol fans and may have been watching so that this story makes sense. Well last night was it. Joshua was enjoying his night time bottle in my lap when it started. He drifted off to sleep right before the strange bass singing guy came on to audition. Let me jog your memory....he sang "Go Down Moses"....and it wasn't good. As soon as he started singing, Joshua's eyes popped open and he got this goofy grin on his face like "Does that guy think he can SING?" And then he started giggling. At which point I started giggling. And off we went. It was very funny. Evidently Joshua is going to be an Idol fan like we are. If you didn't see this guy, it's worth finding on You Tube to see it. Very bad singing- but it was funny!Not too much else to report. I'll do my best to keep the pictures coming!
Talk to you all soon!
I saw the MOSES guy too! I had to rewind it a few times until Zig got his giggling fit over with! What a disaster of a singer!
On another IDOL note, did you see Chris Ruble from Lewistown?? It didn't show his audition, but he was shown talking with Ryan saying that the judges told him he "kept his feet too still..." THIS KID CAN SING! Zig and I, after getting over the shock of seeing someone we know on American Idol, couldn't believe that he didn't at least make it to the next level!
I love the new pics of my man! He is really getting big...little fart!
Talk to you soon!
Miss you Meg! Give Josh a kiss for me!
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