Monday, January 14, 2008


I'm not sure what stage in toddlerhood this is, but the last day or so, Joshua has turned into velcro! He has been glued to my pant leg the majority of the weekend- literally. Tugging and clinging like he's afraid I'll disappear forever if he's not touching me. It's not that I mind being with him, I'd rather do that than anything in the world, but it does make it a bit complicated to get anything done. Go ahead and try emptying a diaper genie with a knee high munchkin wrapped around your leg. It's not pretty. And just give emptying the dishwasher a shot--- that's a good one.

Our Key Club board meeting was good. Joshua made friends with all of the hotel staff, making special friends with anyone who had a sweeper. He made a bee-line for this one lady right after we got there on Saturday morning. He had no sooner gotten in the room for the meeting when he heard the vacuum start and he HAD to see what was going on. So we stood by and watched while the lady cleaned up the breakfast area.

Our screaming in the dark issue was managed by a very wonderful Key Clubber who I roped into riding in the backseat of the Jeep with Joshua while we went for dinner. Rae and Joshua played happily with my cell phone while I drove. I guess this phobia of the car in the dark will always be manageable as long as I have either a second driver or a Key Clubber to ride in the backseat. Joshua and Rae really seemed to like each other, and Jason and I determined that it's probably because Rae bears a striking resemblance to Aunt Libby. :o)

Funny story- this one about me. When Joshua fell asleep on Saturday night, I went upstairs to our room and laid him down in his pack and play for the night and then went to sleep myself. Jason went out for a little while and enjoyed some down time. When he came back around 1, I was fast asleep, but was awoken and sat STRAIGHT up in bed, heart going a million miles an hour when the TV went off at full blast volume. Apparently he was trying to set the sleep timer when something malfunctioned with the volume. Nothing he tried made any difference. He was trying to unplug the TV, turn it off, etc. to no avail. So picture this- I'm half asleep trying to keep Joshua from waking up. The only thing I could think of was to grab one of Joshua's blankets and hold it up between the TV and his a BLANKET is really going to make a difference. Finally Jason got the TV turned off, but the stupidity of my solution just gets funnier and funnier. Let's just say that it's good I'm not responsible for making life and death decisions in the middle of the night on a normal basis. I scare myself sometimes.

In other stupid Megan moments, I also got lost coming back from the fire house where we ate dinner on Saturday night with the kids. Yes I have a Garmin. And NO, it doesn't do you any good when you're on the wrong highway going the wrong direction, following someone who you later find out is NOT your husband. Let me just say that a GPS doesn't help much if you don't know the address of where you're going or where you're coming from. I have a feeling Jason may tell this story a little differently, but at least you've heard my version. I must give credit where credit is due- my prince of a husband talked me, Rae and Joshua right back to the hotel, but it was a bit of a stressful moment.

In Joshua news since that's what you all check in here for anyway- we're working on self feeding with utensils a little bit. Mr. Independent is quickly losing interest in being fed, so he's started to try using a spoon by himself. It's not always pretty, but he's getting better. Jason let him feed himself some baby food green beans on Saturday night without any stains on his clothes or daddy's, and yesterday afternoon he polished off a pudding cup like a pro. I'm thinking I may invest in a tarp to put under the high chair. This could get ugly as we start to give him things that aren't sticky enough to stay on the spoon when he turns it upside down!

I'll work on some new pictures for you! Happy Monday everyone.


The Bingamans said...


Sue said...

I ditto... A blanket?! LOL Jason has yet to stop picking on you, hasn't he?