Joshua seemed to enjoy having another baby to play with, but a few funny things happened that I know you'll all get a kick out of. Darla and I were still chuckling about it last night when we talked. Joshua wanted desperately for Sydney to play with him and his toys. So, like he does with us, he tried to take her hand and lead her to where he wanted to go and play. Well, Sydney isn't quite ready to walk yet, so she just sort of looked at him like "Why are you pulling on my arm?" When Joshua realized that this arm pulling wasn't going to do the trick, he went over to her and tried to pick her up and carry her! That's when she had had enough. I mean, a girl needs to draw the line SOMEWHERE, right? He also kept pulling her bink out of her mouth which has been a trend with him. I'm not sure whether he's picking up on us telling him all the time that "binks are for sleeping babies and you're NOT sleeping" and transferring that rule to EVERY baby he sees, or what, but it was funny. Not to Sydney, but to us. I just hope Sydney wasn't too traumatized by her time with Joshua. Darla assures me that she's fine, but she's probably thinking, "I don't need to go back there until I'm big enough to get away from that kid on my own two feet!" It was adorable and I love getting together with the Bingaman family to let the kids play. Something tells me that it's only going to get better and better as the years go on. What a blessing to have had the babies so close together! God must have known that I needed someone to commiserate with about motherhood who lived closeby!
This is an "on the road" weekend for us. We'll be heading out tomorrow morning for Harrisburg for another Key Club board meeting. I'm sure Joshua will have a fun time playing with the kids and unloading their suitcases. He's getting a bit more difficult to entertain in hotels for our meetings, but this mommy isn't quite ready to go away without him. I know, I know...get a grip, right? But for the time being, the challenge of containing him isn't bigger than the challenge of dealing with being without him overnight. So off we go.
I'll write more on Monday. Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Is it me, is it the pictures, or is Joshua's hair really looking red these days? I never think that when I'm with him in person, but it looks awfully red (or a strawberry blonde) in these pictures! It must be his Daddy and his Daddy's family coming out in him!
Lots of HUGS and KISSES to my MAN and his Mommy!
Depends on the light, but mostly it's looking light brown/dirty blondish these days. I'm not seeing much red in person- could have been the light or the flash too I guess!
We'll see you soon Aunt Libby. Joshua says "Pap"...honest, that's what he just said when I told him I was writing Aunt Libby a note. :o)
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