One more new skill---- Earth shattering, I know. Yesterday Grandma showed us that Joshua has learned how to color in a circle instead of just scribbling back and forth. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but I'm impressed that he's getting control of his writing instruments so early. He'll be writing novels in no time!
Last evening, we enjoyed a nice dinner with Grandma and Grandpa for Grandpa's birthday. It was two years ago at the same restaurant that we announced Joshua's expected arrival to the first set of his very unsuspecting grandparents. I mentioned the "anniversary" of sorts last evening at dinner to see if Jeff and Judy remembered, and they both said that they thought we were going to announce more news like that with the way I had asked it. Sorry to disappoint--- no such news here. But it's fun to remember. Joshua was quite the entertainer last night- hiding under his napkin and letting out very big giggles when he'd pop out from under his disguise. We all thought he looked a bit like the Flying Nun under his white cloth napkin, but he seemed to enjoy himself.
The picture below is Joshua enjoying his puzzles this morning. What you can't see are that all 5 of the puzzles he owns are dumped out with pieces everywhere behind him. That's how our living room looks the majority of the time now. I'm continually amazed at how quickly he is learning to put puzzles together. Jason just picked up a few new ones for him on Monday and he already knows where all the pieces belong. I think he's able to match the colors and shapes pretty well- either that or he's going to kick our butts playing Memory someday!
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