Hi all! Hope your weekend was great. Ours was a great one, although it always seems to pass by too quickly.
We embarked on an adventure this weekend to take away Joshua's night time bottle of milk. I know that it may be odd that at 17 months he was still drinking a bottle, but I swear, whoever made up the rules about babies being totally broken of the bottle at 12 months is nuts. It was too soon to take it away from him at that point. So, now seemed to be the right time for Joshua or at least those were the cues I was getting from him, so we thought we'd see what happened. Honestly, I expected a struggle. But on Friday night after tub time and stories, we came downstairs and I put Joshua's warmed up milk in a sippy cup for him. He sat in my lap, sipped at his milk and then fell asleep like an angel. No fight. Even better news- he slept all night and hasn't had any trouble. So, it appears that we made it. Now, if only potty training would go so easily. Although I consider myself an optimist, I highly doubt it.
Joshua got to spend some extra time with Daddy on Friday afternoon after Daddy passed his next CFP exam (yay Daddy!). I think they both enjoyed that. Friday night was a big fancy pizza dinner which Joshua thoroughly enjoyed. (He calls it "pa" and gobbled up a whole piece without too much coaxing.)
Saturday afternoon, Jason and I went to see Bill Cosby in Williamsport and had a great time laughing. I don't think there's anything better than a good laugh- and we definitely had a few of those. He did a big thing about the stages of marriage, and I don't know whether it's good or bad, but Jason and I seem to be in the same category as Bill and his wife after 40+ years of marriage, at least on some things. I see that as a good thing, but it was a funny comparison. Jason always says that our three years of marriage feel like 30. :o) While we were there, Joshua had a great time playing with Nana and Aunt Libby (still affectionately referred to as Ub or Up...we sometimes manage an "Ib", but that's about all the closer he gets). As soon as he laid eyes on them on Saturday, the giggle party started. I'm really starting to notice his reactions to people lately. Every morning when he sees Judy, he gets a huge smile on his face, and he's reacting to Libby and Mom the same way too. It's awesome to watch from our perspective.
Sunday was a church day and Joshua earned himself a trip to the nursery after an incident where he yelled at his grapes during the scripture readings. He was mad that I wouldn't let him eat his grapes in one bite. Bad Mommy. How dare I keep him from the fun of choking? He was none too thrilled about his stint in the nursery. My guess is that it was scary for him because there weren't any other kids there with him and he doesn't really know the person who was keeping him in the nursery very well. I found him crying his little eyes out at the end of church, and that just about broke my heart. The pictures above are once his red eyes went away and we were home. Gotta love his train conductor overalls, huh? I thought he looked adorable.
That's about it for us this morning. No new pictures from today because Joshua had just awoken and was still in his pajamas when I left for my United Way board meeting at 7:15.
Talk to you soon!
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