I thought I'd take a quick minute while the little prince is in dreamland (though that's quickly coming to an end as I listen to him rustling around on the monitor beside me). I'm sorry that I don't have any new pictures yet today, but we've been BUSY! I'm spending a very fun day with my favorite little man today because of a wacky weekend and some trading that went on with Grandma for her help tomorrow while I'm with Lindsay (yay!) to celebrate the impending arrival of Baby P. We've been working like dogs today around the house, but it's so much fun to have Joshua's "help"...and I use the term loosely.
We ran the sweeper all through the house and dusted everything. We finished cleaning bathrooms and wiped down the mirrors and windows that had little fingerprints and noseprints (maybe tongues too) on them. We watered Daddy's new grass seed out back and brought the garbage cans in. We cleaned the kitchen, cut up a bunch of veggies for transport to Philadelphia, did three loads of laundry and put them away and changed the sheets on all of the beds. No wonder he's napping! (I think I should too!) At about 11:00, Joshua just HAD to go outside, so we took wagon ride #1 for the day. No sooner were we at the end of the driveway than he started saying "swings!" so off we went.
Now that all of the hard work is done, hopefully we'll have some fun together once Joshua's nap is over. It's clouding up outside, so maybe we'll head out before any rain starts.
This weekend is going to be a whirlwind, but Joshua's excited about getting to see his favorite people. Gram's coming back tomorrow to spend the day with him here while I'm at the shower and Jason is working with our Kiwanis club to sell crocks at the Lewisburg Arts Festival. Then Sunday evening, Nana and Aunt Libby are coming to play while Jason and I head to Williamsport for a Morgan Stanley event. It's going to be a wacky weekend, but a change of pace and some different kinds of weekend excitement should be good for Joshua.
Two word phrases continue. He said "Gram comes" (repeating something I told him we'd do once Gram got here the other day) and "Dad's grass" (this afternoon while we were watering...it actually came out "Dad's Gassssss" which I found amusing). Joshua is 18 months old today and I can hardly believe it. Happy Birthday and a half, Little Buddy! We sure do love you a whole bunch.
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