Grandma had a doctor's appointment in the morning, which meant that I got some extra special time with my favorite little buddy. I had been looking forward to it so much. It's amazing how, when you're used to working and missing out on those every day silly little moments, you appreciate the opportunity to be there with him to eat his orange and drink the juice or see his reaction when "Hot Dog" comes on TV. We had a great morning. We colored (a lot), we built about 50 towers out of blocks. Joshua is now smart enough to say "base" when he gets the blocks out because he knows that's our job to help him get started.
Mid-morning, we went on a sneaker adventure. Joshua's first pair of sneakers are now officially too small. In a moment of Mommy honesty, I must tell you that they've been snug for a week or two now, and I've been squeezing every last second out of them since he only wore them since November! They're not even scuffed! There's one store in the general area where they still know how to fit kids' shoes, and carry the appropriate widths and the kinds of shoes that are good for their feet. So off we went to Leeser's. I had figured that a Tuesday morning, right after they opened would be a good time to avoid crowds. Evidently about 10 other people had the same idea. The place was a zoo! In our time there, I also observed that there is nothing for a child (or at least one like Joshua) to do in a shoe store apart from get into mischief. He was pulling all of the shoes off of the shelves and trying to put them on- even ones meant for girls and grown men. He kissed every mirror in the place by hunkering down and getting REALLY close to it, then giggling and saying "kiss" and kissing the mirror. It was comical, but I didn't let on. Instead, I was attempting to find things for him to do that would be entertaining, but not disruptive to everyone else. He made friends with a little 11 month old who was with his grandparents getting his very first pair of shoes and another little girl who was obviously in love with a pair of hot pink sneakers that her mother did not approve of. When it was finally our turn, Joshua tried on just about every pair of shoes they had- only two pair fit him right. One was a rather simple pair of navy blue sneakers that would have been neutral enough to match just about anything in his closet. The other was a very cute pair of Stride Rites that were charcoal gray, white and bright green. You can already guess which ones Joshua LOVED...."geen"..."GEEEEEEEEEEN" was how it went. And so we brought home his "geen" sneaks, to the tune of $53.99! Seriously. We're up to a 7.5 wide---- a boat for a child of his age. The shoe man stands by his prediction of size 13 or greater by the time he's done growing.
The pictures above are from lunch time. Joshua enjoyed a gourmet grilled cheese courtesy of Mama before I headed in to the office. I don't know what his fascination is with hands these days, but in both of the pictures, he was waving his hands around in front of his face in total amazement. He just kept saying "hands" and then giggling. I don't get it...but it was awfully adorable.
I loved my morning at home with Joshua--- can't wait for another one. This really is the good stuff!
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