What a great weekend we had! With Spring springing around central PA, it did a world of good for me. We had the windows opened at the house on Saturday, even. You know, there's just something about the smell of fresh air in your house to get rid of the stuffy smell of winter. It lifted my spirits tremendously.
Mommy had some "erk" to do on Saturday morning, so Joshua greatly enjoyed some special Daddy time while I drove to Eagles Mere. (This is a different post topic altogether, but someday, when we have money, I'd love to have a weekend home there like the one I went to look at for a client. But that'll be an "in my dreams" thing for now...and probably for a long time from now.) According to Daddy's report, they played outside most of the morning- took a walk, picked up grassy things that have been blowing around in the lawn for weeks, blew bubbles and tried drawing with some chalk. Joshua LOVES being outside, so I guess we know how we'll be spending the spring/summer...which I love! He's been cooped up for far too long. However, this love affair with outside and "gass" (Joshua language for "grass") led to a very frustrated little boy when it was too cold on Sunday to go out and play for the whole day. It's tough to reason with a 17 month old. (Understatement of the century.)
Saturday afternoon we got a really special treat. Darla and Jeremy were in babysitter trouble, so we got called for help! Sydney came over to spend the afternoon (and, as it turned out, the evening too) with us. Joshua had so much fun having a friend to play with, although I'm not sure Sydney was as excited about the program. Joshua was so sweet with her- trying to give her toys to play with that he thought she'd like, trying to read books to her. It was quite a change from a few months ago when he was a little on the aggressive side with her (stealing her bink, for example). He kept saying "hand" and trying to hold her hand, which she wanted NO part of. She'd swat his hand away like "Back off buddy!" Jason had a nice talk with him about rejection from girls and how he just needs to get used to it as a part of life. HA! We ended up getting to have dinner with Sydney and her mommy and daddy too, which was an extra special treat for us since we hardly ever do that anymore. It's so much fun to have the kids together. We're already talking about a trip to Knoebels this summer, which we better put on the calendar like....now if we're going to do it.

Sunday ended up being a quiet day, but an awesome one. President Clinton was speaking in Lewisburg yesterday morning which scared me away from braving the parking nightmare that church would have turned into. Bad Megan, I know. But, in good news, I did get the laundry caught up (finally) from our unexpected trip to Lewistown last weekend. So that was a plus. Joshua and I got some outside time (after bundling up) after his nap and had a great time chasing each other around the back yard. He also chased a leaf up and down our street for a good 15 minutes. During his walk, he'd stop dead in his tracks, point to the sky and yell "BIRD" when he'd see one. He was picking up stones and mulch and sticks and examining it like a detective. You could almost see him thinking. It never ceases to amaze me how mesmerized Joshua is with exploring the world around him. I've always read that one of the greatest blessings of parenthood is getting to see the world as "new" again through your child's eyes, and I'm really trying to let myself enjoy that. So, Joshua, we'll go and play in the "gass" as much as you want to, little buddy. There are a few pictures below. In the first one, Joshua is holding his newest treasure, Mickey Mouse. He's in love with the "Hot Dog" song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so when he saw Mickey in Walmart, he HAD to have him. He hasn't left his sight since Mickey came home to live with us.

Dear Favorite Man,
I have to say - you are QUITE the STUD in that Gap sweatshirt that Aunt Ap bought for you!
I miss you very VERY much and I can't wait to see you soon! Tell your Mommy and Daddy to go away again for the weekend so we can PARTY!!
Love you lots!
Aunt Ap
P.S. Uncle Zig is still BAD!
Dear Aunt Ap,
Mommy just read me your note while I was coloring my picture. She read the part about Uncle Ig and I filled in the "BAD" all by myself with a big smile.
I miss you too. Mommy and Daddy might need us to party soon-- so you might get your wish.
Have fun in your new Jeep!
Love you,
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