I have to tell you about our singing progress. Now, there's little chance that a child who is 1/2 Richard (most of whom love to sing) and the other 1/2 Dugan (with tons of instrumental ability) wouldn't have some interest in music, but Joshua seems to be having fun with anything musical at this point. I suppose that's probably pretty normal for a 17 month old anyway. For the past few weeks, we've been singing some songs and Joshua fills in the words at the ends of the sentences. He loves "Twinkle Twinkle", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and our all-time favorite, "Yankee Doodle" (that's the one that we sing when we're shampooing his hair-keeps him occupied!). Last night I started singing "Little Bunny Foo Foo" which he absolutely cracked up about. He didn't do much singing because he was giggling too much. Then I tried "You are my Sunshine" which I always sang to him when he was a little colicky baby, and it usually did the trick. Well, by the second time through, he remembered all the words at the ends of the lines and was plugging them in like a champ. So we moved on to "Jesus Loves Me" and he got that one too. Finally, which we were getting into his jammies, we started singing the ABC's and he officially knew G, K, P, S, V, X and Z. He could also say "C's" at the part about "now I've sung my A B C's". It was very cute. First thing this morning, a few of those letters had left his memory, but they were back by the time we tried it a time or two.
Another interesting thing is beginning too. I'm not getting too worked up about it, but I am prepared to jump on the opportunity if it presents itself at the right time. We're now getting commentary about the bathroom actions just before they happen. I know it's super early for a little boy, especially, to be ready to start getting acquainted with the potty, but I'm going to follow his cues here and see what happens. Now, I'm not getting excited because we get about .3 seconds notice on the "poop" or "pee" announcement, but as that starts to increase, we might be able to try the potty and see what happens. I've always joked that potty training him was going to be big trouble because of his intense personality, but we'll see. No pressure Josh, but Mama is going to be ready!
Happy weekend to everyone! See you soon!
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