It was another wild weekend, which seems to be our normal operating speed these days. Friday night we got to go to dinner with Jeremy and Darla and Sydney, who by the way is getting cuter every single day (which I didn't think was possible because she's always been so cute). We went out to Damon's, which we figured was a smart choice given that it's so loud in there that a fussing toddler might not ruin anyone's dinner. As it turned out, there was enough going on that both of the kids were very well behaved. Joshua and Sydney mostly just stared at each other across the table, but I think that they're soon going to catch on and have lots of fun together.
It was a sad Friday night for Aunt Libby and Uncle Zig, and our thoughts and prayers continue to be with them. Zig's dad passed away on Friday night after a long, hard fought battle with cancer. We had cleared the schedule in anticipation of possibly needing to go home to be with them for moral support, but that didn't end up being necessary or even something that would have been helpful. I can't imagine how sad it must be, but we're saying lots of prayers asking for strength and peace for everyone. I'll be there on Wednesday to pay my respects and support them the best way I know how.
Saturday morning, we ended up making a run to the outlets in Tannersville. I did some major damage in the Carter's outlet for Joshua and little Brooke--- to the tune of two humongous bags! I called Lib to ask her if she had room in her closet for a raining of pink and purple. I think she's working to make some space for when my delivery truck arrives. :o)
Sunday morning we went to church. Joshua was in rare form. This new verbal ability presents some challenges in church situations. Let's just say that every word out of the pastor's mouth was met with commentary from Joshua. When the choir got up to sing, Joshua urged them on by saying "sing...sing...SING". When the kids got up to go to children's church, he had to yell "KIDS!" And every time he caught a glimpse of a ceiling fan moving around, he had to exclaim (loudly) "FAN!" He was also moving up and down the pews- someone from the choir mentioned that it was funny to watch, because they could just see the top of his little head going back and forth along the pew. Needless to say, before the offeratory was even done, we were in the nursery. And then Joshua went into hysterics thinking that I was going to leave him there. He's had enough screaming fits in the nursery to remember that he doesn't like it there, so leaving him there wasn't an option.
My mom and dad came in yesterday afternoon and evening for a visit and really seemed to enjoy Joshua. He's getting so animated and really seemed to like playing with them. The pictures below are a few of Joshua playing with my dad's moustache--- he seemed very intrigued with it. I also threw in a picture of Joshua napping yesterday. I find it hard to believe that the child I took pictures of all swaddled up in his blankets is the same one who is laying here in this picture. He's growing up right in front of our eyes it seems.
So, it was a great Mother's Day weekend by all accounts. My husband is the best- he not only got me a new watch to replace the one that I smashed to smitherines when Joshua and I took our tumble down the stairs last week (long story--- not good posting material--- but Joshua was fine. Me, not so much.), but he also cleaned the house for me yesterday which was greatly appreciated. He's a great husband and a terrific Daddy. I'm so lucky...and I guess that's just the thing to focus on during Mother's Day weekend- family, blessings and making the most of every moment we have to enjoy our kids. So, to all my mommy friends out there- whether you have kids already, or are expecting their arrival very soon, hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

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