It was a quiet evening last night- supper, play time, lots of books, tub time and an earlier bed time. I think he was in dreamland around 9, which is quite an improvement over the times that we've been experiencing lately. We're still having a little trouble with Joshua not wanting to eat supper. It ended up with him in tears last night and us having to distract him with something fun to get him to eat anything for dinner. So, we're experimenting with no afternoon snack today to see if that increases his interest in supper.
I also should tell you that we've learned how to say "no" at our house...much to Mommy and Daddy's dismay. It's helpful in a way, because at least he can give us a real answer about what he wants to do. But I have to learn not to ask him a question that he's going to give me a "no" answer to if "no" isn't really an option. Like, "Do you want to go brush your teeth?" "No..." But it doesn't work that way. "Do you want to go inside?" "No..." "Too bad." So, I'll have to learn how to rephrase my conversations with him now that he has an answer that's not going to work out. So much of parenting bears a striking resemblance to manipulation, doesn't it?
And, the icing on the are a few pictures of Joshua "dancing" this morning to Sesame Street (Cookie Monster in particular). I'm not sure why he has to stick out his rump in order to dance, but that's what he does. It's adorable. Jason reminded me last evening that Joshua isn't a circus animal, and we shouldn't ask him to perform on command. But it's hard not to---- just to watch him. It's much better in person, so hopefully you'll get to see it with your own eyes soon.
I hope you're all enjoying this September-in-June kind of day. It's about 70 degrees here. Perfect Megan weather. Too bad the sky is black--- otherwise I could feel a nice long wagon ride coming on for Josh tonight. We'll see...
1 comment:
Love the new pics, Meg!
I laughed hysterically when I saw the dancing pictures - watching him dance is one of the funniest things I've ever seen!
See you Monday at Brookie's Ultrasound!
Love you Joshua :)
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